9. When Tears Fall

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Suga's pov:

  I was in the kitchen when I heard Namjoon and y/n conversation. Fuck I always listen to others people conversation. I can't let Namjoon tell her before I do. I need to be honest. I like y/n

 Mark pov:

  *talks on phone*

 "Yea everything is in order she has no idea what is about to happen"

Namjoon pov:

  I want to tell her how I feel but I can't she even calls me dad and best friend she will never love me. Many she will soon I just need to get harder.

 Y/n pov:

  I hella fucked up yelling at Namjoon like that. He means good but he need to control his emotions when Ian with other guys. Whatever fuck it Ian going to sleep.

You turn over and you're about fall asleep when your phone lights up. It's a text from Suga.

Suga🎹: hey are you up.

Y/n: Yes why?

Suga🎹: wanna hang out tomorrow

Y/n: I would but Namjoon will get mad 😢 sorry

Suga🎹: wanna gang out now

Y/n: Its 3am fool

Suga🎹: so we can just go for a walk.

Y/n: fine let me get my jacket and change

Suga🎹:meet me outside

Y/n: okie dokie ✌👌

 You get ready and meet Suga outside.

 "Hey Suga what's up" you ask Suga concerned.

 "Nothing really I can't sleep I just have a lot on my mind" Suga says while dragging his feet.

 "Ahh I see" you say.

 "So...is it true you like Namjoon" Suga asked you while looking into your eyes.

 You pause to think about it. He is a great and cute guy. Who wouldn't love him and want him as a boyfriend. The thought of how perfect he was made you fell upset. The fact that a great guy loved you made you feel worse because you knew deep down that you love for him was only as a friend.

  "Can we not talk about him right now?'' you ask Suga.

 "Ohh umm sure y/n" Suga says while shuddering.

  You got walk around the street for a while making normal conversation. Once in awhile You would laugh and punch him in the shoulder.

 It was getting latter now and colder.

  "Ahh shouldn't a cute girl like that be in doors" a male voice is heard from a dark alleyway.

  "No and it's none of your business" y/n says to the voice.

 "Y/n maybe we should just leave I don't want you to get hurt" Suga says holding you back.

 "Let the girl go and maybe you will live as well" the male voice says

  A dark figure appears out of nowhere. The moonlight shines on his face.

 "TOP? I thought you were dead" Suga says while pushing you back.

 "Almost... those shots in the chest hurt like a bitch. Namjoon should really finish his business before walking away" The dark figure says.

  "Oh... look who we have here its Suga and a new cute little pet" he says while getting closer to you.

  "Stay away from her TOP we don't what no trouble" Suga says stepping in front of y/n.

 "Well you see I want trouble and her as Well" TOP says.

  "Woah dude step off before I finish Namjoon's business for him" y/n says.

  "Cute you think you can fight me" TOP says.

  "She can't but I will" Suga says.

  Suga throws a hard punch at TOP and knocks him to ground. TOP get up and punches him back.

  "See now Suga I don't have to hurt you I just need to hurt her" TOP says while grabbing you by the throat.

  He has a knife to your thoughts. Suga is on shock of how your walk in the night turned into a death match.

 "Not yet Let her go" a voice in herd in the darkness.

 "Your lucky y/n. Next time I won't let you go so easy." Top drops you to the floor and runs off into the distance.

  You run to Suga to see if he is okay. At that moment all you years came out. No one in the gang had seen you cry before.

  "Why can't there be on fucking day without any violence. I know I fight a lot but I hate it so much sometimes. I can't handle it Suga."you cry into his shoulder.

 Suga just holds you wishing he never asked you to go on a walk with him. This was all his fault.

-time skip-

 You and Suga head back to the house your eyes and face are puffy from crying. Suga takes you to your room and lays you down.

  "Get some rest y/n you need it" he says and leaves your room.

  You really miss Suga and the warmth of his shoulder. You are cold, sad and alone, it's already 5am and it's almost light outside.

You get up and go to Suga's room.

 You tiptoe to his room and open the door slowly. He is sound asleep all curled up in his little bed.

 "Suga can I sleep in here" you whisper in a low voice and tap his shoulder.

 "Yea sure whatever" he says before falling back to sleep.

 You get in his bed and cover up in his warm blanket.

 "Suga?" you asked his.

 "Yea y/n?" he asked firefly with his back turned to you.

 "Thanks for everything" you tell Suga.

 "No problem" he says before drifting off into sleep.

 A few minutes later you about to fall asleep when Suga turns over and starts to hold. Once again you felt his body warmth hold you.

 I like you y/n

 Is the last thing You heard before drifting off into a deep sleep in Suga's arms.


I thought this was a cute way to end this chapter so yea

so my editor has been slacking so I'm trying my best to do it my self. I know its not the best at spelling because my dyslexia but I'm trying.

love you

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