Chapter 22

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Since their temporary split, Alex and Amber made a point of being honest with each other, no matter how painful it was for either of them. It cemented their relationship and it was the first time Amber felt as though she was in a mature relationship. 

"Is there something wrong with you and Zora?" Alex asked one afternoon whilst he cooked dinner for the pair of them. 

Amber, who was sat on the counter watching him, sipped from her glass of coke and sighed. "I don't want to talk about it." 

Alex stopped stirring the chicken in the frying pan and frowned at her. "In class, you're both so quiet now. She keep's throwing me daggers with her eyes." 

Amber stared down at her coke guiltily. "She's just worried about me." 

"She doesn't like me very much, does she?" Alex resumed his stirring with an forced look of nonchalance but Amber could see how his jaw was clenched irritably. "Be brutal, Ambs, I can take it." 

Amber placed her coke on the counter and slid off from it. She approached Alex and wrapped her arms around his waist of behind, resting her face on his back. 

"Should I go for the blow?" She asked softly, using the phrase that Alex came up with for when they had to tell each other something painfully true. 


Amber sighed again, wishing he had replied differently. "She said that you were prowling for a girlfriend in the classroom." 

Amber rolled her eyes at how ridiculous Zora's words were but she felt Alex tense in her arms. 


Amber had never seen Alex so lost for words before. He stirred the food his jaw set angrily once again. 

"Listen to me, you are not some creep preying on girls. We happened to fall in love and you happened to be my teacher. It doesn't mean anything, Alex." 

Alex nodded but said nothing. His shoulders sagged slightly and Amber pulled away to try and look into his eyes. 

"Alex, look at me please." 

He placed the spoon down and turned to face her but he kept his eyes fixated on his shoes. Amber cupped his face and gently tugged upwards so that his gaze would fall on her. 

"Don't you dare agree with her. Don't you dare reduce our relationship into some disgusting predator relationship. I'm so in love you with you. Don't tell me I was stupid enough to fall for a creep." 

A small amused smile rose to his lips and Amber couldn't help but smile with him. 

"It did occur to me, you know," Alex answered quietly, still unable to look her in the eyes. "I know we don't talk about it but when I first found out that you were my student, I wondered what was wrong with me." 

Amber felt something pierce her heart. "There is nothing wrong with you, Alex. You can't help who you fall in love with."

Alex finally gazed into her eyes fiercely. Behind the cool blue exterior, there were flames dancing passionately. Amber pulled herself up onto her tip toes and pressed her lips up against his. He kissed her desperately, almost knocking her off her feet. She could feel the fear and worry in his kiss and stroked his cheek reassuringly. 

When they eventually pulled away, they kept their foreheads touching and Alex gazed deeply into her eyes. It once made Amber feel exposed but now she felt as safe. As though the his powerful gaze could scare away anything that would ever hurt her. 

"I want you to meet my family," he whispered, planting a delicate kiss on her cheek. 

Amber couldn't help but freeze in his arms. "Ar - Are you sure that's a good idea?" 

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