Chapter 16

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The gallery was closed as the were preparing for an exhibition in the evening, so Amber and Alex were asked to use the side entrance. Alex buzzed the intercom and waited, giving Amber a reassuring smile as she did so. 

"Hello, this Alex Knightly, I'm here with Amber Riley. We've got a meeting with the board." 

"Okay, come on up. Your meeting is on the third floor." 

Amber slipped her hand into Alex's as they entered the building. He gave her hand a little squeeze. 

"God, this place looks so much smaller than it did when I came here for my meeting," Alex muttered in awe as he glanced around the small hallway that contained nothing but stairs and two elevators. "Then again, the last time I was here, I was nervous about my big daunting meeting."

"Well that's exactly how I feel," Amber replied shakily. "This place is positively massive to me."

Alex smiled apologetically and wrapped his free arm around her waist. "Don't worry, Amber. You're going to be fine." 

 "Fine," Amber repeated to herself quietly. 

It was what felt like the hundredth time since they had left her house that Alex assured her that she would be fine.  

The word had lost all meaning. 


There were a variety of people on the board. When Alex had first mentioned the board, Amber had envisioned white, balding middle aged men in suits. She couldn't have been more wrong. 

The first woman that she shook hands with was a tall woman with smooth dark skin and long braided hair. She had a firm grip on Amber's hand. She reminded Amber of Zora's mother because of her willowy figure but instead of her lips being pressed in a disapproving line, her bright pink lips were stretched into a smile over her perfect white teeth. 

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Amara. My family owns the gallery." 

Amber's mouth fell into a little 'o' as she realized that this was the woman she would have to please the most with her painting. Alex nudged her in the ribs to snap her out of her daze. 

"Right," Amber replied with a hasty smile. "I'm Amber." 

"Alex has told me an awful lot about you. I'm glad we could finally meet," Amara told her cheerily. 

Despite Amara's genuine smile, Amber had to swallow the feelings of jealousy that was creeping up inside of her. Alex hadn't mentioned that his friend on the board was the beautiful, fashionable woman that was standing in front of Amber. 

Amber shifted her gaze to the next person. He was an attractive man in his thirties, eyes greener than the grass on their front lawn. His smile revealed a crooked tooth but it was easy to miss behind the warmth that he was radiating. 

"I'm Carl. I'm The Hollow Paintbrush's director." He wasn't a man of many words but Amber was too struck by his kind smile to reply with anything other than a hello. 

Alex cleared his throat uncomfortably as Amber returned Carl's smile, prompting her to move on. 

"I'm Carl's assistant," said a petite Asian woman with pin straight coal-black hair clutching a clipboard to her chest. "My name is Nari." 

"Nari," Amber repeated to ensure that she had gotten the pronunciation right. Nari smiled to confirm that she had. 

The last person was a good-natured looking woman who was slightly older than the rest of the people in the room. She had creases around her eyes and wrinkles that formed around her mouth when she smiled. She had thin blonde hair that made it just past her shoulders, which were relaxed, making her seem completely open and approachable. 

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