Chapter 18

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October had passed in a flurry. Between school and the gallery, Amber hardly had any time to talk to her sister. The only way to alleviate her guilt was to pay Ann a visit during her week off from school. When she asked for the address, she was surprised to find that Ann's new place was not on campus, as Amber had assumed, but almost twenty minutes away from the university.

Although Amber was looking forward to seeing her sister, she didn't know how to broach the subject with her father. It didn't feel right to lie to him but she didn't want him to feel as though she was taking sides in this ridiculous argument. 

"Dad, you know how I have next week off?" 

Mr Riley nodded but didn't look up from his newspaper. 

Amber squirmed uncomfortably on the sofa as she prepared to mention Ann. Before she could open her mouth, Mr Riley began speaking. 

"I was thinking that we could go camping, just the two of us. It's been a long time since we last went." 

Amber felt her heart lurch in her chest for a moment. He was making the effort to bond with her. How could she just leave him?

"Actually, Dad, I have plans for next week." 

He glanced over the top of his newspaper in curiosity. "Really? For the whole week?"

Amber sighed and tried to avoid his gaze but she could feel it burning into her. His newspaper was now forgotten as he watched her intently. 

"Don't get mad..." she trailed off, her voice turning to dust in her mouth. 

His silver brows furrowed deeply in concern. "What are you doing next week?"

Amber peeked a glance at him and mustered the courage to tell him the truth. "I'm going to see Ann. I'm spending the week at her new place. I wanted to help her get settled in."

Her heart sank a little as she noticed Mr Riley freeze for a split second at the sound of his daughter's name. It was wrong. He shouldn't have reacted like that. This time last year, he would have told Amber that it was nice of her to visit. He would have even offered to drop her off if he wasn't working that day. Instead, Amber was greeted with a cold mask that covered her father's face. 

"I understand. That's fine. We'll do it another week." 

Except it wasn't fine, he was shutting her out of the conversation. His tone was dismissive but Amber wasn't ready to let it go. 

"Dad, please -" 

"I said it's fine Amber," he told her pointedly, picking up the paper he had abandoned. Amber watched as he took his time to unfold it again and get lost behind it. 

Amber sighed. He couldn't have been any clearer: he didn't want to talk about it anymore. Would there ever be a day that she would be able to talk about Ann without her father reacting oddly? It certainly didn't seem to be any time soon.


"Are you sure you want to leave now? Things are just starting to pick up at the gallery," Alex reminded her for what felt like the hundredth time that night. 

"Everything at the gallery will still be there when I get back, Alex. The second painting is up and attracting attention. Stop worrying," Amber replied calmly, stroking his chest as he held her close to him.

"I wish you could stay. We could have done something this week," he muttered, leaning in to tenderly plant a kiss on her neck. "I'm going to miss you." 

Amber sighed as he tightened his grip around her. "It's only a week. I'm just going to get Ann settled into her new place. I'll be home before you know it." 

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