Chapter 14

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Amber and Alex's relationship was left strictly outside of the classroom. They didn't allow themselves to even look at each other any differently than other students and teachers, much less kissing or showing affection in Alex's classroom. It wasn't something they had spoken about but since their very first kiss, almost exactly a month ago now, Alex remained Mr Knightly inside the walls of the school. Outside of the rusted school gates, it was a very different matter. 

Amber's life still revolved around Alex, her friends, Ann and her father. The Alex and friends proportion was of her life was working like clockwork. It was the family proportion that seemed to be fracturing. Amber no longer spoke to Ann every night before either of them fell asleep. Ann was sleeping better and she was managing the morning sickness the best she could. But as more time passed, and the state of her physical health improved, the angrier Ann became at her father. It was dangerously teetering towards hatred, making Amber incredibly anxious. It was almost too much, sometimes, hearing her older sister ranting about the ruthlessness of what he had done. All Amber could think of in those moments were the days when their father would fly kites with them. He would hoist Ann up onto his shoulders and she would squeal with excitement. Those were the days they would almost forget the tragedy their family had survived... almost. Now it was Alex, who made her almost forget the feud that was tearing her family apart. Amber desperately wanted to tell her sister about Alex but she knew her overprotective big sister would disapprove. Ann could be foolish sometimes but she wasn't reckless. So to keep Ann from raging about their father and Amber from blurting out all the details about her relationship with Alex, Amber focused on the baby. 

"I'm having my first ultrasound tomorrow," Ann told Amber as she wiped away her make up. 

Amber sighed, setting the phone against her desk. "I wish I could be there, Ann." 

Ann gave her a small smile. "I wish you could be here too. But I won't be going alone. Jonathan's coming." 

Amber perked up at the name of her sister's boyfriend. "You told him! I'm guessing he took it well, then." 

Ann didn't succeed at keeping the pleased smile off of her face. "He was a bit lost for words but we spoke and I really think we can do this." 

"I'm so happy for you, Ann," Amber replied with a smile. "I know you're going to be a great mum." 

Ann nodded and thoughtfully stared down at the make up wipe she was using to clean her face. 

"She would have been so excited," Amber said quietly, feeling the tension in the silence that had fallen between them. 

Amber couldn't even imagine the ache in Ann's heart knowing that their mother would never meet this baby. 

Ann broke out her stupor and gave Amber another small smile. "I know she would, Ambs." 

Amber glanced at her clock with a sigh. "I've got to go, Ann. I have to be up early for school." 

Ann nodded. "I'll have to get up early for the appointment. I'll call you tomorrow." 

"Make sure you send me the picture!" Amber said hurriedly before Ann hung up the call. 

"I will do," Ann promised. "Night, Ambs, love you!"

"Love you too!" 

Amber hung up the phone, feeling at ease about Ann's situation. Ann was finally sounded happy enough to be excited about her own pregnancy. Amber felt herself feeling conflicted. While she was happy about her sister's new found contentment, it also added another layer of bricks to the wall that stood between her sister and father. 

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