Chapter 13

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A month had passed since the first time Alex had kissed Amber in his apartment. Amber juggled her time between speaking on the phone with Ann, sneaking over to Alex's apartment and trying to convince her father to speak with Ann. The remaining time he had left was spent with Zora, Saf and Matty. The four of them had arranged to meet every Thursday after Matty finished work so that they could catch up. This was especially convenient for Amber since Alex had a staff meeting every Thursday afternoon and on the Monday afternoon, when Alex had this weekly meeting with the Head of Department, Amber video chatted with Ann to make sure she wasn't too lonely. 

Ann was now two months pregnant and the morning sickness was beginning to get in the way of her classes. She had told Amber somewhat sulkily that she had taken to skipping morning classes and was forced to watch them from her dorm. Amber couldn't help but feel sorry for her sister but there was nothing for her to do but to try and persuade father to help to at least speak with Ann. She had no such luck so far. Alex was the only person who could distract Amber from the feud between her father and her sister. When she was at his apartment, it was all the worries that had been weighing down on her floated away when she stepped through the front door. 

"We never went to that gallery in Apesbrooke that you mentioned," Amber told Alex one afternoon as they sat on Alex's couch. 

Alex had an arm around her as they absent-mindedly stared at the TV. Amber entwined her fingers with his. 

"Well," Alex replied, leaning his head against hers, "since your dad asked you to go to see your Aunt the day we were supposed to go Apesbrooke, I never really found an opportunity to take you again."

Amber kissed the back of his hand. "It would be nice to go on a proper date."

"I know, but it's risky, A. If anyone saw us..." Alex sighed and hid his face in her hair, inhaling her flowery shampoo. "It's a pain in the neck but it's safer this way. Besides, I like having you over here." 

Amber turned to gaze into the eyes that had become so familiar to her in the last month. "I like being here too. I've never enjoyed just... being with someone before." 

Alex smiled fondly and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears. "Neither have I."

Amber reached up to kiss him for what felt like the hundredth time that night. It was never enough. When she watched him waltz around the class during the day, the longing was almost unbearable. So she savoured the time they had together once or twice a week in the evenings to keep her content until the next time they could be together. 

It wasn't just the desire or lust that fuelled their relationship. Their bodies seemed to already be so familiar with one another. Amber felt as though Alex's arms had been made to hold her. She particularly enjoyed pulling his glasses off when they shared a particularly intense kiss. 

This relationship was unlike all her other brief relationships. Most of them didn't last long enough for Amber to become too attached. She had never had her heart broken but she knew that if anything were to go wrong between Alex and herself, it would be her first heartbreak. 

Amber stroked Alex's rough stubble with her thumbs as he pulled away to gaze into his eyes with a satisfied smirk. "I wait all day to do that. It's so worth it."

Alex's eyes twinkled mischievously as he saw the opportunity to tease her. "I'm just that addictive, am I? You'd better be careful, you wouldn't want to get too hooked." 

Amber rolled her eyes but pecked his lips once more. "Too late." 

Alex looked pleased but tried to hide his smile. Instead, he distracted Amber by grabbing her hand and pulling her off of the couch. 

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