Chapter 15- Fern

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The little Earth bear did not enjoy the journey at light-speed. It is understandable really, if you ask anyone who has travelled at light-speed if they enjoyed it, the majority will say not a bit. The rest are all Illuceo's or just madmen, sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. 
   She was feeling more than a little emotionally unstable after being ripped away from all she had ever known and made to question the morals of all her role models. As just a child she really didn't know any better than what she'd been taught and as a result never realised how cruelly she had been treated. Granted nobody else got spurned in the pack but she had just come to accept that this was how things were supposed to be. However she never got a name. That fact had always stayed with her, like a hot heavy stone that lay at the pit of her stomach slowly burning away. It burned with her anger, with her frustration because she couldn't understand why she had never received this rite of passage. So with this torrent of thoughts and emotions whirring around her body, she was rightfully more than a little upset. 
   She sprang away from the tall glowing boy as soon as she possibly could, hitting the ground with a thud. The thud, as with all falls she had ever experienced did not hurt her as it should have done because of her lineage. Earth bears were not damaged by any contact with the ground, whether it was from falling or from being slammed against it by an attacker. 
   A woman emerged from a large house she had not previously noticed as it was camouflaged by trees, ivy and vines. The appearance of the stranger frightened her even further as she could sense the power radiating from her. Phoebe of course had no idea what had happened on the boys run and so she looked more than a little concerned by the hybrid's appearance. 
   "What's going on," the witch asked. 
"This girl was given to me as a gift from a werewolf pack who thought I was some sort of God called Pan." Alec said in one big rush his eyes widening as he realised how strange that sounded. 
 "What were you doing near a wolf pack?" She growled in annoyance. Before she could answer though she realised that her anger had scared the little girl, who stepped back a few paces in fear. 
 "Oh I'm sorry little one, I won't hurt you," Phoebe cooed stepping closer to the hybrid who did not like that at all. Feeling threatened, the creature turned to her bear side for help. She used one of her natural defences, launching her self into the air and then angling her front paws towards the ground. When she landed a tremor went through the Earth which knocked the other off their feet. 
   She scurried of as fast as her stumpy legs could carry her which fortunately for the other was not very fast. They perused her which got them nowhere but what Fai and Phoebe didn't notice was Alec's increasing anguish. The boy was deeply troubled by the girls fear and his instincts were screaming for him to comfort and protect her. That was why his werewolf form spread it's wings and wrapped them around the other two. It caught them by surprise, so he left them in his wake and ran up to the hybrid. 
    "Fern," he called very suddenly, having no idea where the involuntary response came from. The fuzzy brown head whipped around and stared at him in amazement. 
   "You named me," she whimpered in surprise and happiness. After a mental inspection Alec conquered that, that was indeed what he had done. The name seemed fitting to her nature both in personality and species. 
   "Yes Fern and I mean you no harm. None of us do, you're safe here," he comforted her quietly. Looking him in the eyes Fern noticed how truthful and trustworthy they looked, something in her told her she could rely on him to care for her. 
   "Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on!" Phoebe cried tugging at her fiery hair in frustration. 
  "Yes but I think we best go inside. I think we all have a lot to discuss," Fai said and they all agreed. 

A/N I know there is a lot going on right now that seems confusing but I assure you things will become clearer in the next chapter. See ya'll in the next update Earth

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