Chapter 8- The allure of sleep

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Floating between consciousness and unconsciousness is a peculiar thing. It is very difficult to describe because once you wake, you never remember much of what you have seen. Still though there are fragments of memories, a flash of colour or half an image which will always make you feel a little strange. Who knows what it all means?  Alec certainly didn't. 
    Throughout his experience of being unconscious he felt extremely comfortable, more comfortable than he'd ever felt. This is why when the sleep became fitful and he started to wake every so often, Alec felt panicked. He did not want this beautiful, peaceful slumber to be disrupted by such trivial things as hunger or thirst. Whenever his eyes did open he was met by worrying unfamiliar images that his mind couldn't process. That's why he tried to delve deeper into what was becoming a self induced coma. 
   Eventually though three days after he fainted his body was rested enough for him to wake. When he opened his eyes, he was surprised to find Fai watching him, face etched with anguish. His usually shining hair looked duller, like a fire that needed more fuel and his violet eyes were experiencing a tornado of emotion. Alec noticed that the boy had an apparent inability to sit still, every time he realised he was twiddling his thumbs or tapping his foot the boy tried to sit up still. However each time he just moved on to a new tick. 
   "What's eatin ya Fai," Alec asked groggily. The violet eyes were revealed in all their glory as they shot open in surprise. A pearly white grin spread across Fai's face and his hair suddenly shone again like the sun. 
   "You're awake?"
"Of course I am you nitwit I'm talking to you. Now could you tell me what's been going on while I was out. Oh and Phoebe's magic would be useful right about now, your hair's giving me a headache," Alec grumbled. The only time he really got talking was when he was moaning about something, it helped him vent his frustration. 
   A minute later Phoebe was in the room fussing over Alec who was doing his best to brush her off. "I'm fine! Alright, I just sleep a lot, I've been known to pass out for a couple of days if I need the rest. It's like hibernation, I can't control it but it can be useful."
   "Okay dear as long as you're alright. Look I really think it's important now that we discuss what your going to do now. I mean do you even know what you are?"
   "What do you mean, what I am? I'm half castor and half cursed. I've been paying for it my whole life, it's pretty darn drilled in."
    "I feel ya bro but that's not what she's talking about. See all cursed have a different category they fit into, like dog breeds. They're not a species just a variant. All castors specialise so they can also be sorted into neat labelled segments of society. You and me can do that too. See I'm a Illuceo which means I deal in one of the raw elements that make up this world. Therefore I fit into the category of a nature spirit."
   "In that case I have no idea. I've always had reliable, strong magic but it has never followed a pattern."
   "Well then I can help with that. I think it's time you met Sylvester." Intrigued and desperate for answers Alec agreed. 

A/N sorry or another short chapter today has been pretty busy

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