Chapter 3-Wrong, wrong, wrong

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Being outside at night was a privilege...or so they were told. To Alex though it was more of a punishment, that cursed side of him was desperate to get out and enjoy the darkness which wrapped around him pleasantly.  It made him feel guilty because he had been taught all of his life that the cursed were evil. He felt like he was giving in to sin. He also felt weak and the walk was taking a lot out of him. After feeling sick earlier he told himself that he must be getting ill. 
     Guards went door to door collecting the children at around seven. Apparently the chamroshes were calmer at night which is why they did the taming at such a dangerous time. Unfortunately it meant the castors were magicless as there spells were not available at them to night. It was the reason there was a curfew on. The cursed ruled the night and would happily kill those stupid enough to venture out with no means to protest themselves. That was why everyone was trained in using weapons and taming creatures who could defend you. 
    His class was giddy with excitement and chattered avidly about what they were going to see. What disturbed Alex though was some of the comments made about how they'd tame the creature. He had assumed there would be horse whispering type stuff going on with a person getting closer and closer until they established trust. However from what people were saying it sounded much more sinister. 
    When they got to the barn there were lots of candles lit and a hushed atmosphere hung thick in the air. Everyone waited in anticipation around a pen with very hight, barbed fences. He knew the creatures was approaching before he even saw it which was probably something to do with his powers. Perhaps he could sense aura's or something, it was hard to tell as at 16 your magic was still developing. Most showed signs of specialising though unlike him. 
     The great, grey beast was led out on a leash thrashing wildly as two huge men hung on for their dear lives. Being it another three followed carrying a various array of weapons to keep it from backtracking. It was led into the enclosure through a large gate he hadn't previously seen and then tied up with a muzzle being forced over it's beak. In the pit of his stomach the same clenching of his guts took place as he watched the frightened animal struggle against the restraints. Every fibre in his body was telling him to run and not associate himself with whatever brutality was about to occur. That would undoubtedly give his heritage away though so he swallowed the lump in his throat and forced himself to watch. One of the men with weapons stepped towards the crowd. He was sweaty and topless, covered in solid muscle. A hand ran through his lank blonde hair and as he tried to look as presentable as possible. The beady, dark eyes scanned the crowd carefully. As with everyone else they lingered on him before Alex raised an eyebrow and he remembered what he was doing. 
    "Hello lads and lasses may I welcome you to this evenings taming. This chamrosh will be a great ally but will be of no use until he bends to our will. What you see tonight is an example of our great power. We are beast masters and that is why we will one day overpower the cursed." A cheer went through the air and Alex felt the same feeling of guilt. He was darkening their village of light. 
     The chamrosh stood up on his back legs and screeched at the men. It was not menacing, it was a fearful warning to stay away. Quick as a flash they grabbed one of the wings and held out fully extended. It looked to be around 20 feet long at least taking up at least half of the enclosure. The creature let out another keening whine trying to snatch it's appendage back but the guys had now put a leather harness over it so it was fixed in that position. This was wrong. 
    "Those squeamish should look away now. The only way to tame a chamrosh is to break it's wing. That way they can't fly away and when they can't fly for a prolonged period they forget the freedom they once had. The wild side is killed off." That was so wrong. 
     The men bore down on the animal like vultures to something dying.  The blonde speaker ran his hand along the wing and seemed to locate the largest bone. Every fibre of Alex's being was screaming now for him to stop the madness taking place. He could not understand why they had to torture the poor thing. All they were going to do was make it fear them, that's the only reason it would obey. There would be no trust just locked away hatred. Everything about this was wrong. 
  Sharp yellow eyes once again locked onto Alex's luminous green ones. The once mighty beast let out a pathetic cry for his help. Alex felt sicker than ever before and suddenly very weak. An axe was raised. Suddenly Alex was on his feet rushing towards the pen, a voice was shouting stop and only later did he realise it was his own. He just couldn't stand it a moment longer and his strength returned to him as he took action. Magic knocked the axe out of the torturers hand, magic that nobody in the room should have been able to use. Everyone looked around in confusion but Alex was still running to the cage. 
     "Get him out of here," the lead beast tamer snarled and Alex suddenly felt arms seizing him. He was dragged away and as he went a look of resignation was in the chamroshes eyes. He could have swarn it gave him a small nod though, as if saying at least you tried. And so he was half dragged, half led back to his cold, lonely mansion.
Alex went straight up to his bedroom and cried thick heavy tears, something he had not allowed himself to do for years. 

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