One Direction Preferences

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Author's note

The last two preferences were written by SydenyForever.

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Where you meet


You meet in a football (soccer) game, you're sitting next to each other and you can see him staring at you from the corner of your eye. It starts off as a simple conversation about the game and ends up with neither of you knowing who won the game because you spent the whole time chatting.


You unknowingly run into him as you try to make it to school on time. "Wow slow down love." He says with a small chuckle as he helps you get up. You blush furiously as your hands touch sending a undeniable spark throughout your body.


At a concert of his. They were currently singing 'Kiss you' and you just loved the song. You couldn't contain yourself. You had to rock your hips back and fourth to the beat and sing your heart out like no one was watching. You had a permanent blush on your face by the end of the song, as Zayn was smirking at you. Zayn asked security to bring you backstage at the end of the concert because he couldn't get the girl who was so indulged in the music out of his head.


Your sat at the bar at your favorite club. You're sipping on your favorite drink and listening to music. When you notice a boy around your age seated a couple of stools down from you. You guys share a few glances before he bravely scooted a few seats closer. You quickly engage in a conversation and soon take a liking towards each other.


You roamed around the half empty park. You come across the swings , your favorite thing since you were a little girl, and decided to take a swing. You gently rock back and fourth and let your eyes roam around. Your eyes land on a curly haired boy coming towards you. "Mind if I sit love?" He asked. You gently nodded your no and he sat down on the swing next to you. You started talking and learned enough about each other to exchange numbers. When you got home you texted Harry all night.

One Direction PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now