"That's great!" I said before Adelaide made her entrance back into the room.

"What's great?" She asked.

"Uh, I asked Wesley if you guys would want to come to the concert tomorrow, since it the last one. He said yes!" I lied. I can't have her knowing, I have a plan.

"Well, we should be going. I have quite the day planned for us tomorrow." Wesley said.

"Oh here, put your number in my phone and I'll text you about the tickets for tomorrow." I said, handing my phone to him. He typed his number in and I winked at him as he handed it back.

"Bye guys, I'll see you tomorrow." I said, hugging Adelaide goodbye as they left.



From: Drew
To: Wes
It's Drew. Don't let Adelaide see this.

From: Wes
To: Drew
Okay... Can I ask why?

From: Drew
To: Wes
Because you are gonna tell her how you feel. And I'm gonna help you

From: Wes
To: Drew
Or we could NOT do that

From: Drew
To: Wes
Nope, it's happening. I have a plan.
Can you sing? Adelaide said you can sing.

From: Wes
To: Drew
I am NOT singing to her

From: Drew
To: Wes
Stop being a punk, yes you are. It's romantic.
Don't you want to be with her?

From: Wes
To: Drew
More than anything, actually.
Fine, I'll do it.

From: Drew
To: Wes
Here's what we're gonna do. Be at the arena at 3 o'clock tomorrow...

-(The next day)-

"Okay guys! Last show in London, let's get this soundcheck underway!" I spoke into the mic.

Everyone knew what the plan was for today: prank 5SOS. And one way we're gonna do that is by making them perform with us.

I felt a buzz from my pocket and fished out my phone to see the message from Wes, saying that he's here.

"Hold up guys, I'll be right back. Just give me a sec." I announced.

"Wait, is he here?" Bobbi asked, making me turn to her. I told her my plan, and she thinks it's gonna work.

"Yeah." I said, making her run and jump off the stage with me to go get Wesley. We ran backstage and out to the gate, where Wesley stood.

"Wes, hey!" I said, opening the gate for him and giving him a hug.

"Hey, Drew. Look, Addie's hanging with a bunch of fans she met out front. I told her I was going to look for a bathroom, so we gotta hurry up." Wesley said.

"Of course." I responded, grabbing his hand and leading him back inside. "This is Bobbi, my friend I told you about last night."

"Hey." She said.

"Nice to meet you." Wes said.

"She thinks this is going to work." I told him.

"I hope it does." Wesley responded. "Woah, this place is huge when it's empty."

"Alright losers! This is Wesley! We're gonna help him profess his love!" I called out to the three boys on stage.

"Drewwwwww." Wesley whined, making me laugh.

I'm THAT Tomlinson Twin (One Direction/ 5 Seconds of Summer)Where stories live. Discover now