39. Interacting

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"I'm in love with you...and all these little things." Harry sang as he leaned down to peck you baby bump just above the belly button.

"He loves your voice." You whisper, your hand traveling through his curly locks and down his back.

"I love both of you." He looked into your eyes and cupped your cheek. "Especially you." He said before connecting your lips.


"She won't stop kicking Louis." You groan and mean your head on the couch.

"Come here." Louis motioned to you with his finger. You followed and laid your legs across his lap so you bump was in his reach. He rolled up your shirt and moved his hands over the bump. "Shh Emma. Mummy needs to rest now, please let her sleep...for Daddy." He whispered as he kissed the kisses of the large bump. You giggled as he placed feather kisses all over the stomach.


"This feels amazing." You sigh as you back leaned into Zayn's naked torso.

"Your carrying twins love, I'm so proud and thankful to you for giving me 2 amazing miracles." He pecked your neck and exposed torso as you played with the bubbled in the bathtub.

"They're kicking again, really hard." You whimper and move around a bit to get comfortable.

"Babe, don't do that." Zayn moaned making you blush knowing what you were accidentally doing. "I want to feel them kick." Zayn said, moving bubbles and warm water on the bump that held your boys.

"They like that." You giggle and place your hand on top of Zayns.


"Mum used to do this when she was pregnant with me apparently." Liam chuckled as he put full batteries in the torch he found under the sink.

"Does it work?" You asked, propped up on your arms on the bed. He shrugged and crawled next to you.

"We are about to find out." He smiled at you, turning on the torch and placing it above your belly.

After 10 seconds, a kick was felt right above your belly bottom where the torches light was shone.

"That's amazing." You breathed. "Move it over this way." You instructed, Liam doing just that. Once he put the torch on the side, the baby kicked right in the middle.

"I love you." Liam blurted out, looking up at you.

"I love you too." You giggle.


"Just talk to her." You encouraged Niall.

"Where could I start..." He trailed off. "I can just imagine me and you just sitting on the kitchen bench with Nando's, making a huge mess together. And how you will run around with a football (soccer), even though your girl. The nights where you will have have a bad dream and come running to Mummy and Daddy's room." He sniffed as he kept talking to Ava. "I can't wait to meet you, hold you and see you." He sobbed, wrapping his arm around your waist as you hugged him.

"Shh Ni." You cooed, getting him to calm down.

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