Laser Tag Wars (Michael)

Start from the beginning

     "It doesn't need to be a fair match. Team Cashton for the win." Ashton declared, high-fiving Calum.

     "Whatever," Michael said rolling his eyes. "Come on guys." He led you and Luke around the maze to your team's entrance. "Here's how we're going to do this. Y/N and Luke, stay together and try not to get caught by Calum. He can run pretty fast and quietly. He'll end up sneaking up behind you and take you out before you realize he's there."

     "And what are you going to do?" You asked.

     "I'm going to split off and take out Ashton. He's got giant feet so you'll hear him if he's nearby. Once he's out, we can triple team Calum."

     A prerecorded message came over the speakers. "The match begins in three... two... one." The entrance to the maze slid open.

     You all walked in. Michael instantly ran off to the left. You turned to Luke, "Let's go this way." You both ran down the passage and turned two corners, crouching down behind a corner.

     You sucked in a terrified breath when you heard heavy footsteps run straight past the corridor where you were hiding. "I don't see them anywhere Calum!" Ashton, making the stupid mistake of revealing where he was to your brother. His voice faded away, along with his heavy footsteps.

     "Hold on," Luke said, he ran down the small corridor and peeked around a corner. He turned back to you. "I'll keep watch here." He whispered just loud enough so you could hear. You nodded and silently peeked around the corner again, keeping an eye out for Calum.

     Suddenly, you heard Luke let out a terrified yelp. You turned around to see a tan arm dragging Luke around the corner. "Y/N, RUN!!!" Luke yelled.

     Immediately, you sprang up from your crouched position and sprinted as fast as you could. You turned down several corridors and ran down another straight passageway before turning again just to be sure. You turned down another corridor, trying to catch your breath.

     You froze in terror when you heard Calum's voice growing nearer as he taunted you. "Come out Y/N!! You can run but you can't hide!!"

     You peeked your head around the corner and nearly screamed when you saw Calum walk straight past you. Thank God he hadn't noticed you. He was walking straight towards a dead end, but he hadn't realized that yet because of the darkness. He was about to be forced to turn around and come down the corridor where you were hiding. If you got up and ran it would alert him of your presence.

     You were just about to get up and sprint as far away as you could when you heard Ashton's voice scream. "MAN DOWN!! CALUM!!! I'VE BEEN SHOT!!!!"

     Calum stopped in his tracks when he heard Ashton yell. You saw this as your only opportunity, so you ran up behind him and jumped on his back, knocking him off balance. "AHH!!" He screamed as he crashed to the ground. He blindly felt around for his gun that had flown out of his hand. You pressed your gun to the back of his vest, ending the game. You collapsed on top of him with a sigh of relief.

     "TEAM BLUE HAS WON THE MATCH!!!!" A computerized voice announced.

     "HOW THE F**K DID WE WIN?!?!" Michael yelled.

     "D*mn Y/N, that was good." Calum laughed from underneath you.

     You chuckled. "Thanks." You said as you rolled off of him.

     Michael came running around the corner, seeing you and Calum lying on the floor. "Did you take him out?" He asked you as Ashton and Luke came running up behind him.

     "Yeah, she did," Calum replied. "She totally James Bonded my a*s."

     Luke offered you a hand and hauled you up. He and Michael immediately squashed you in a group hug, cheering about your win.

     Calum peeled himself off the ground and hugged you after Michael and Luke released you. "Good game mini Clifford." He said.

     "Good game." You laughed, hugging him back.

     Once he released you, you high-fived Ashton. "Maybe you'll have to be on our team next time."

      Your stomach dropped. You gulped, "What do you mean next time?"

     "We HAVE to play again. That was awesome!" Michael cheered.

     "You're only saying that because you won," Calum said, rolling his eyes.

     "We should play again in a couple weeks," Luke suggested.

     "Heck no. I nearly s*it myself twice." You replied, taking your vest off.

     "How's two weeks from now sound?" Michael asked, completely ignoring you.

AN: Part 2?


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