"Can't stay away, can you?" I said.

"I just like messing with Adrian's things," he shrugged.

What the hell?

"First off, I'm not a 'thing'," I leaned closer to him. "And second, leave me the hell alone!"

I tried side stepping him, but he blocked me. I sighed in frustration. He looked at me, amused.

That's it, if this butt muncher doesn't move I'm sending him flying, I thought to myself.

He didn't get the message though. I lifted my hand and quickly sent him crashing into a wall. I started to run, hoping I'd lose him. With my luck though, that didn't happen. He caught up and grabbed me by the arms. I spun around quickly, making sure I actually kneed him where the sun don't shine.

"Shit!" he screamed out.

"What now bloodsucker!" I said in victory.

I quickly sent him flying back to buy me some time. He crashed into a garbage can. I quickly used the air to push myself to the roof. I guess I'm gonna run from the roof now. I took out my phone and texted Justin, letting him know I'm being chased by Adri's evil brother. On second though, maybe I'll text Matt instead.


Fatty Matty: What did you do now?

Marni: Well I was minding my own business and then BAM some guy comes out and tries to kill me. Well not kill but you know. OH and I found out he's Adri's brother so yeah.

I gotta admit, I'm great at texting while running for my life. My phone vibrated.

Fatty Matty: Ok then? On my way. Oh don't get killed.

Marni: Cool beans! And I'll try not too. Oh and don't tell jussy wussy. He'll flip out on me.

Fatty Matty: Ok, don't trip.

Either Matt was watching me, or he was psychic. Because right then I tripped on a flipping rock and fell flat on my face.

"Ow," I groaned.

I stood up and rubbed my nose. My phone vibrated again.

Fatty Matty: You just tripped, didn't you?"

I spun around, looking to see if Matt was secretly watching me. He was good.

Marni: Pshh. No.

Fatty Matty: I'm almost there.


Fatty Matty: I'm running.

Marni: Oh... that's cool too.

I stood up, sensing someone. It wouldn't do me any good to run at this point. It was either Matt, or Adri's evil brother.

"Boo," someone whispered behind me.

My first instinct was to have my fist connect with there face. He vanished before I could lay a hand on him.

"Nice try, princess."

I turned around and saw Adri's brother standing there, hands in his pockets with a smug look on his face. I frowned at him.

"Geez, quit following me already!" I yelled.

"No can do," he shrugged.

"And why not?" I asked.

"I told you, I like toying with Adrian's stuff," he smirked.

I stood there, glaring at him. I can see why Adrian never mentioned him. Come to think of it, I never got his name.

"What's your name?" I asked out of curiosity.


"Don't be like Adri," I sighed.

"I'm nothing like him," he narrowed his eyes.

I held up my hands. "Woah there."



"My name is Tempest."

"Oh, nice nice."

"And you're Marni?"

"Yes," I nodded.

We stood there in silence. Well this is awkward.

"So you're not going to like kill me right?" I asked.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't," he shrugged.

I started to back away slowly, only to have him pop up behind me. I spun around and sent him flying away. I turned around and sped off running. He popped up right in front of me again.

"God damn it!" I screamed in frustration.

He stood there, smirking down at me. He suddenly frowned and placed his large hand on top of my head.

"You're a short one, aren't you princess?"

"S-shut up!"

I kicked his shin, or tried too. He laughed at me and I stood there pouting.

Where the hell was Matt?!

I mentally cursed at him.

"Aw, why the face princess?"

"Quit calling me that," I mumbled.

I tried to punch him, but he pushed me away. So pretty much I was punching the air.

Suddenly, Tempest was pushed out of the way, and I almost fell flat on my face again. Matt appeared in my sight.

"MATTY!" I screamed.

I opened my arms wide and hugged him.

"Sorry I'm a little late," he laughed.

"Little?" I crossed my arms and tapped my foot.

"Well who do we have here?" Tempest asked from behind.

Matt looked towards his direction. His eyes widened.


"Oh, who knew I was widely known," he laughed. "That's me."

"You know him?" I asked Matt.

"What vampire wouldn't," he said through gritted teeth.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"Ask him yourself," he growled.

I curiously looked at Matt. What has Tempest done to get him so worked up?

"Who are you?" I asked Tempest, for the 3rd time.

"More like what have I done," he smirked.

I was about to ask him, but I started to hear voices in the air.

'What have you done, Tempest?!' a voice whispered. It sounded angry.

'Everything," another voice whispered.

What was going on?


Oohhh, what did Tempest do?

So what do you guys think of Adrian's brother? Evil? No? Yes? Both?

So pic of Tempest to the side!

I couldn't find a guy with blue eyes, so pretend this dude has blue eyes! Ok? Good :)

How many of you guys actually read my author note? Cause I know I don't read other people's author notes. So why am I still typing this? I don't even know.


Okieee, vote comment and fan!

Oh and check out my new story "Love No More"

I would love you forever if you do :D


~Maggy c:

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