No Escape...Or Is There?

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Li's P.O.V

When I tackled the dude, I never thought that my supposed relaxing day was going to turn out like this. Let me explain.

A few hours ago...

"NOOOO!" Charles (or Charlie, whatever you prefer) screamed bloody murder. "You're not dragging me off to one of your 'relaxing' places!" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Either you come or you can go to school," I told him.

"I'll rather go to school..." Charles admitted.

"OMG! Charles will actually go to school?!" I let out a fake surprised gasp. Then I recomposed myself and put on my -_- look. "Nope, you're coming with me," I said firmly. "If you had said you would rather come with me than go to school I would've made you go to school."

"Seriously?" Charles groaned. "You'll do anything to make sure I don't get what I want."

"That's how I roll," I said smugly. Then I dragged him out the door and threw him into a truck. "Lets go!" I called over at the driver. She nodded and stepped on the gas pedal. Charles lost his balance and slammed into me. "Oi," I said, annoyed. He apologized before shifting back into his seat. Soon, we reached my destination. "Welcome to Wolong National Nature Reserve!" I announced happily. I got out of the truck and went to the entrance. I heard Charles scramble after me.

"Hello," the man greeted me in Chinese (A.N: Mandarin, I know Chinese isn't a language but it's easier this way so people wouldn't get confused.)

"Hello, I made an appointment for visiting the reserve privately?" I informed him, talking in Chinese.

"Of course, follow me please," he turned and led me inside.

"Er, what did he say?" Charles whispered to me.

"Just shut up and follow us," I whispered back. For the next couple of hours, we saw and volunteered to take care of the precious giant pandas.

"Wow," Charles breathed, hands on the glass. I laughed at his reaction then guided him inside of the habitat. "Wait, are we allowed in here?" He asked worriedly.

"Of course," I replied. After petting and feeding the cute giant pandas, I noticed someone not so cute. Okay, to normal people he'll be classified as a knock out, but not to me.  He locked eyes with me and smiled. He began to come inside before I tackled him.

You see what happened to my relaxing day? Yeah, now lets go back to beating the shit out of the guy.

"Charles!" I bellowed as I wrestled the intruder out the door. "Get out and lock it!" He frantically obeyed my orders. "Everyone! Please leave this area immediately!" I yelled at the visitors in Chinese. They turned and ran. I looked back the the guy in my grip. "Who are you?" I growled, switching back into English.

"Me?" He asked innocently, his grayish-blueish eyes full of laughter. I straddled him and punched his pretty face. His blueish-blondish hair bounced around as I did so. "Fine, I'm Alden," he rolled his eyes at me. I glared at him before punching repeatedly. The sound of crunching bones reached my ears as Alden howled in pain.  You're not so pretty now, boi!

"Er, Li?" Charles whimpered nervously. "I'd hate to ruin your party but uh, there's more people coming."

"Grab me some rope," I ordered. He handed them to me and I tied Alden up tightly. I brushed off my hands and looked up. A pack of boys were coming our way.

"There's no escape," Alden told me.

I raised an eyebrow, "Or is there?" Grabbing Charles by his upper arm and yanking him after me as I ran, I formed a plan. My feet pounded the pavement as I turned left then right, heading for the exit. Then I got blocked off. Oh shit. I let go of Charles, who was panting hard, and looked around. A tall guy with broad shoulders, dark gray eyes and curly brown hair caught my eye. He must be the leader of this group, I thought. "You guys wouldn't mind if you move out of the way and let us pass, do you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

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