Running Through China

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                            Li's P.O.V

  Ah, how much I want to ditch that slinthead and explore the wonders of China myself.  Ditch my duties, be free, and become a Runner.  Ah, how much I want that.  Unfortunately, I need to babysit the shuckin' idiot.  

  "Charles!"  I screamed.  "Don't touch that!"  He, of course, touched it.  Alarms started blaring and I did a mental face palm.  "THAT WAS THE SHUCKIN' ALARM SYSTEM YOU SHANK!"  I raised my palm and slapped him across his face. Hard. Ah man, I've been wanting to do that ever since I met him. Feels so nice to actually do it. "You deserve it," I told him.

"L-Li?" He whimpered. Pathetic boy.

"Alright, are you ready yet?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm all rest up," he replied.

"'Kay," I nodded. "Then you wouldn't mind if we go around China?"

"Um sure," Charles said. I nodded again as I shoved water bottles and sandwiches into my little knapsack.

"Great, are you ready for some running?" I asked as I adjusted the knapsack so that it would fit more comfortably onto my back.

"Um, sure?" Charles said uncertainly.

"No 'Um's, are you ready?" I barked, hands on my hips.

"Ready," this time, Charles said it more confidently.

"Then let's go running." Without waiting for an answer, I sprinted out the door. When I hit open air, I felt myself relax a bit more. I always like being outside, not trapped in some stuffy office, or anywhere inside actually. I heard loud footsteps behind me and turned to look. Charles has caught up to me and now is bent over, hands in knees. I grinned at the sight.

"Damn, I really need to work out more," Charles groaned.

"Agreed," I smirked. Charles merely groaned again. "Come on boy, we got the entire country of China to run through."

"You got to be kidding me," Charles moaned.

"I never kid around," I said, smirking. Charles looked at me with pleading eyes but I refused to be swayed. I winked at him. "Lets go." I took off running again, weaving through the crowd. I heard panting as Charles tried to keep up with me. I ran faster, hoping to lose him. I did. When I turn back, I could still see him, but he couldn't see me.

"Li?!" Charles yelled over the noise of the crowd. He looked around, I could tell he was starting to panic. I went to the other side of the street and sneaked up behind him.

"Charles," I hissed in his ear. He jumped, then whirled around, almost smacking me. A terrified look was on his face. I couldn't stop laughing.

"That wasn't funny!" He yelled at me. I just continued to laugh. "Okay fine, maybe it was a little," he admitted. I clapped him on the back.

"Lets go, retard," I said, snorting. The rest of the day, we just ran around the city, looking into shops, eating our sandwiches at a park, buying more food, and continuing to run. It was pretty fun, at least, to me it was. I don't think Charles would want to do it again tomorrow.

"Let's do it again tomorrow!" I declared as I flopped onto Charles bed.

"No! Please don't!" Charles begged. Literally. He actually got down onto his knees and put his hands together and begged. I giggled and patted his head.

"Chill man," I assured him. "We're doing something else tomorrow. I promise it'll be more fun. However you're going to need to be schooled while we're here. I can't have you lag behind. You're going to have to work harder than you did in school so that you can be at that same level as your classmates and have fun while your here. 'Kay?" I informed him.

"Er, okay, I promise I'll work hard," Charles promised. I didn't really believe him but I'll trust him for now. "If I worked hard, I get to play, right?" Charles added. I chuckled. He sounded like a little kid.

"Yep," I nodded. I got off his bed and headed to mine, which was on the other side of the room. "Now get some sleep, I don't want you to whine and groan to go home when we didn't even finish yet." I laid down in my bed on my side so that I faced the wall. Charles mumbled something that I couldn't make out. "'Night," I called over to him.

"'Night," Charles replied. Soon, he fell asleep and is snoring away. I smiled to myself before reaching over and shutting off the light. As I settled into my blankets, I closed my eyes and thought, he must be very tired. I grinned evilly. Oh he'll be even more tired tomorrow when I drag him through Hell and back.

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