My New Weird Friends

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Li's P.O.V

When the bell rang, signaling the end of homeroom, I got up and walked away.

I was the one who threw the crumpled piece of paper.

My next class is Science and as I headed toward the the classroom, a girl came up to me. I recognized her. She was in my homeroom. Aliyah is her name I think.

"Hello, you must be Li." Aliyah said softly. I think Imma just call her Ali.  (A.N: I know, super confusing since there is another girl called Ali but bare with me, 'kay?)

"Yes I am, and you must be Ali." I responded. "What do ya want from me?"

"Wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch?" Her friends showed up behind her. Hannah, Alexis, Emilia, and Linda are the girls. Scott, Jack, Adam, Felix, and Allan make up the boys of the group.

I said nothing. I didn't really want to sit with them cause I have a bet going with my friends that I would last three hours without making friends.

"Um...Sorry, I can't. I would like to but I have a bet going that I wouldn't have friends for three hours." I told them.

They all stared back at me. "Welp, what kind of bet is that?" Allan asked.

"It's a bet for the kind of person who would make friends before the second class." I shot back.

"Well, that's okay. We're just asking you to sit with us at lunch and Lunch period isn't until...four hours." Ali said.

I said "Fine, sure why not."

"Okay then, bye!" They waved at me and walked away except for Scott who stayed with me.

"Is your next class Science?" He asked.

"Nooo..." I said sarcastically. "My next class is Social Studies and I'm walking to the Science classroom." I rolled my eyes at him.

He blushed and mumbled an apology. I swatted his arm playfully "No need to apologize dude."

"Um okay..." Scott said.

"Oh no. I can't talk to you anymore, I forgot about the bet!" I yelped and scurried away into the classroom.

The Science teacher yelled at us to sit down. I sat in a seat near the window. Class was about to start when the door opened again and Charles rushed in.

There was no more seat left except for the one next to mine.

Shoot I thought. I glared at him when he sat into the seat.

"Well someone isn't happy to see me." He said, smirking. The dude was hot but I'm immune. You gotta be when all your guy friends is as hot as Hell.

I said nothing and looked out the window instead.

"Are you seriously gonna ignore me?" Charles asked.

I ignored him.

"Alright settle down!" The teacher grumbled. As class proceeds, I learned that the teacher's name is Mr. Robertson. And that Charles is very, very, very, very annoying. He keeps trying to make me laugh and talk to him.

Towards the end of the class, I observed where the troublemakers are sitting. I decided not to bother with Charles yet, at least until he is not sitting next to me.

I looked around and finally decided to play with Bryan. He was sitting near the door with another guy...Sam I think.

I got up and told Mr. Robertson I needed to use the bathroom and walked toward the door.

When I passed Bryan and his bud, Sam, I stuck a removing device on one of the legs of the table, and activated it. I walked down the hall and went inside the bathroom, waited a minute and went back to the classroom.

When I sat back down in my seat, I pressed the button.




Those were few of the sounds the science desk lab thingy table made when it crashed to the ground.

The leg had popped off and landed on Sam's foot. He picked it up. Idiot.

Mr. Robertson started screaming and yelling.


He was fuming and walking around the table and is red in the face.

Good work Li.

I stood up and walked over to the teacher. I put on my innocent face.

"How much does all of this cost?" I asked.

"About 1,000 dollars. Maybe more." Mr. Robertson replied looking at me. "Why do you ask girl? You gonna pay for the damage?" He laughed then.

"Yes." I said.

He started choking. "What?"

I pulled out my check book and wrote out a check for two thousand dollars.

"2,000 dollars, Mr. Robertson. An extra thousand just in case." I handed him the check. He didn't move. I waved the check in his face. "Take it, Mr. Robertson."

He took it and thanked me. Then he turned around and started yelling at the boys how generous I am and nice while they are so mean and such troublemakers.

The bell rang just then and I rushed out of the classroom.

For two more classes, I made Alison and Liza get in trouble.

Soon, it was Lunch period and I walked into the lunchroom with my lunch box.

I sat down in one of the empty tables in the back where it's partly in the shadows.

I was about to take out my lunch when I heard someone calling my name.

"LI! OVER HERE! YOU'RE SITTING WITH US, REMEMBER?!" Aliyah yelled, waving her hands at me.

I scowled and slouched down in my seat. If they want me to sit with them, they have to come here.

A moment later, the group appeared at my table.

"Whadya what?" I snarled.

"Well, someone is in a bad mood." Jack said, plopping in the seat next to me.

"Come on, smile, or even better, laugh." Felix said sitting in the seat on the other side of me.

He started tickling me. Or at least trying to. I was a bit ticklish, but I hunched over.

An awkward silence descended over us. But then I straightened up and started tickling Felix instead.

"You wanna go? You wanna go man?" I teased. Soon, he was laughing and crying.

"Stop! Please! I'm begging!" Felix choked out, tears streaming down his face.

"Neva!" I yelled.

"Help!" He cried out.

Soon all of us are tickling each other.

Other people stared but we didn't care. Hey, that rhymed.

It was one of the best lunch period I ever had.

With my new weird friends.

All of my friends are weird or crazy. Der. Otherwise, how are they supposed to handle me? I'm [The] Crazed One.

Little did I know, this day is gonna be a whole lot more fun.

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