Chapter 23: Can you forgive us?

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"Hey Natalia, you ready to go?" 

Looking up from her book, she smiled up at Mike closing it. "Yeah, let's go."

Standing up, she put the book in her bag and started walking next to Mike out of the library. They had been studying for their finals for the past week.

"Do you want to get something to eat? My treat." opening the door for her.

"Sure, I am a bit hungry."

"Alright, we can head to the diner then." 

Nodding her head she followed Mike out the school and into the parking lot to his car. She had been doing that for the past few weeks or the day after she had sprained her ankle.

After leaving Damon, Damien and Kennedy in the hallway after visiting the school nurse Natalia saw Mike outside the school. Seeing her limping he ran up to her to see what had happened.

Explaining her misfortune in gym class to him, Mike offered her a ride home. Getting to know one another after that Mike has been driving her back and forth from school ever since. 

Natalia and Mike have become good friends though she had a feeling that he liked her more than that.

Pulling up to the diner ten minutes later Mike got out of the car going around to open her side. He always did that. Mike was a gentleman like that which Natalia liked.

Walking up to the diner she looked over the side of the parking lot noticing the cars parked there. One stood out the most...Damon's car.

Rolling her eyes she passed Mike who was holding the door open for her again. It was enough that she was avoiding them and Kennedy for the last weeks, but to have to see them outside school was another thing. Especially when they lived next to each other.

The minute she stepped foot in sight of the dining area she felt eyes on her. Glancing over she met them.

"Follow me please." hearing the server tell them.

Looking away she follows along with Mike by her side. Stopping at the table that was right next to the twins she huffed.

"Here you go, I'll be back to get your order." handing them their menus the server turned around to tend to other tables.

"Will you be okay?" Mike asked staring at her.

"Sure, why wouldn't I be." shrugging as she looked over the menu. "I think I'm going to have a cheeseburger with fries. What about you?" glancing up at him.

Mike tilted his head to the side. "Umm, I think I'll have the same." then shook his head with a chuckle.

Damien and Damon were sitting at the diner eating their food when Damon had looked up to see Natalia by the diner entrance. "She's here." putting his burger down then wiping his hands on the napkin.

"Who?" his brother asked taking a sip of his soda.

"Natalia you idiot." tilting his chin up her way.

Glaring towards Damon he turned around to see Natalia who had at that second looked their way. She stared at them for a few seconds then looked away as she followed the server and Mike to their table that conveniently was next to theirs.

"That's the longest she's looked at us in the past few weeks." thinking to himself Damien looked at his brother. "She is always with this guy isn't she?"

"Yeap." popping the p, Damon picked up a few fries and put them in his mouth.

"Do you think she'll talk to us?"

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