Chapter 1: Damien and Damon Heart...

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"Damien...mmm...Damien I'm about to cum!" she gasped in pleasure while he continued his thrusts inside of her.

Grunting he pushed a few times so he could release himself until the door flung open.

"Hey Damien! Did you finish the essay for English class?" a voice from the door said nonchalantly walking in.

Damien continued his thrusts while the girl under him screamed "What the HELL Damon!?"

Releasing his sperm in the condom he grunted one last time then pulled out.

Looking up at his twin brother he nodded "I finished the essay earlier. Why?" walking to the trash can and dumping the used condom inside.

"Just wondering. You want to get something to eat? The guys just texted me and were wondering if we wanted to meet up at the mall with them." Damon responded.

"Are you serious right now!? What the hell is your problem Damon? Did you not notice your brother and I were in the middle of something?" the girl screamed now sitting up covering herself with the blanket.

Damon looked down at her with a blank stare. He really didn't care if he had just walked in on his brother and his side slut having sex. He hated her and she knew it.

"Oh...did I interrupt something? From the shrieks I thought you were just having a normal conversation." he shrugged sitting down on the chair in front of his brother's desk.

"You're an ass****!" she yelled.

"...and you're a whore!!" he spat back earning a chuckle from Damien.

"Why are you NOT defending me Damien? You're just going to let him barge into the room while we are having sex then let him insult me?!" she asks.

Damien nodded his head as if amused "Deidra, how can I defend you when he speaks the truth?! Plus, he didn't barge in. This is my house and he is my twin brother..." he shrugged looking at Damon with a smirk.

Deidra stared at both of them in disbelief. Getting up she snatched her clothes stomping by Damien towards the bathroom then slammed the door.

"You sure know how to pick them bro!" Damon says laughing.

"Well...she's easy. What can I say?" Damien shrugged walking over to his dresser to pull out a pair of boxers so he could take a shower.

Hearing the bathroom door open they looked up at a dressed Deidra who was glaring at the both of them.

"You both are douche bags! I'm leaving!" her face flushed in anger.

"Don't let the door hit you on the ass!" Damon chuckled making her more upset.

"Ass****!" she yelled then headed to the door to leave.

"SLUT!" Damon screamed out as she slammed the bedroom door shut.

Both brothers began to laugh until Damien says "Okay bro. Give me twenty minutes to get ready."

"Alright bro...I'll be downstairs." Damon responded and left the room so his brother could get ready.


While the twins were getting ready, the new next door neighbors were unpacking inside. Raquel Cruz and her daughter Natalia had just moved in earlier that morning. They are from Miami and Raquel had just gotten a new position in L.A. as one of the new Music producers and writer in a very well known record label. She has had been in the industry for the past fifteen years and she absolutely loved it. Not only because she worked with well known singers but because she loved to write songs.

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