Chapter 30: Silent Treatment...

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03/29/2018: #260 in Teen Fiction

Double update... I will try to update soon. Happy Spring to everyone though it has been snowing here in the East Coast.

Thanks for Reading, Voting and Commenting.

"Not fair!" Ashley hollers while trying to keep her balance on Damon's shoulders. Almost falling backwards when Grace pushed her.

"You are strong as hell Grace. You lift weights and I don't." continuing to complain. Damien holding on to her thighs so they wouldn't topple backwards.

Laughing loud, Grace shrugged. "Not my fault I like lifting weights. Plus, just because I lift doesn't mean I'm that strong. You are just a weakling."

"Hey! I have you know that I can lift fifty pounds easily." shrieking at her friend. Launching forward, she grabbed a hold of Grace's shoulders causing Damien to lose his footing under water bumping into his brother.

"Sorry bro. This chick is determined to win." Damien chuckled. Standing straighter, he gripped Ashley again hoping she'd win so he could put her down. He was all for having a girl's thighs wrapped around his shoulders. But it was the wrong position, activity and most of all, it was the wrong girl he wanted on top of his shoulders.

Nonchalantly he glanced over his brother's shoulder. He could see Natalia talking to Juliet about who knows what. All day she has been by his sister's side and not once has she spoken to him or his brother. Not that he'd blamed her. They weren't speaking to her either.

"No problem. Grace isn't giving up that easily either." leaning forward when Grace herself launched for Ashley. This time around, she knocked her friend off of Damien's shoulders.

"YES! I AM THE CHAMPION!" screaming at the top of her lungs. Both the brothers covered their ears and made a face.

"Ugh Grace. Rematch!" Ashley shouted after resurfacing. 

Damon and Damien looked at each other with narrowed eyes. Damon quickly bent down under water so he could put Grace down while Damien began swimming towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Ashley asked behind them. Damon had popped up and was heading to where his brother was.

"Taking a break. My shoulders are tired and sore. Maybe we can play later." responding over his shoulder. Damon had enough of the girl's competitive nature.

"Fine." they hear her grumble. "Come on Grace, let's lay out and tan." 

"Sounds good to me. It was getting boring beating you."

Splashing Grace in the face, Ashley didn't stop until her friend called out mercy

"Gave up already?" Grayson asked when the twins each sat next to him on their own loungers.

"If we didn't, we would have dislocated our shoulders and I know coach would kill me before the big wrestling match next weekend."

"Isn't that the truth." Grayson chuckled. "It would be hard to wrestle with one arm... or dead."

Shaking his head, Damon put his sunglasses on and laid down. "It would be hard. Thanks for pointing it out genius."

"Whatever." Grayson muttered back. "Hey, are we still heading to the boardwalk later?"

"That's the plan." Damien who had also put his sunglasses on answers. The boardwalk wasn't too far away from the beach house. It looked like a carnival actually with game booths, food stands and some rides. Going there was always fun especially when the four of them were together. Except that evening Kennedy wouldn't be joining them.

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