Chapter 18: The 2

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Natalia and Kennedy had just finished their dinner and were about to start their dessert which was a chocolate mousse cheesecake.

"How do you like it?" Kennedy asked looking up at her after taking a bite.

"It's delicious. I'm trying not to moan from how good it tastes."

Cocking a brow Kennedy stands up and goes around the table towards her then stops in front of her. Taking her hand he motions for her to stand up which she does. Picking up the remote control he raises the volume to the speaker system where soft music was playing then put it down.

Taking her other hand he brought them up wrapping them around his neck then placed both of his on her waist bringing her closer to his tall body. He wanted to feel as much of her against him as possible.

"Preciosa, I wouldn't mind hearing you moan anything that came out of your delicious lips." leaning down he softly kissed the corner of her mouth. "These lips that I can't get enough of..." kissing the other corner of her mouth. "The lips that I only want to kiss..." whispering as he outlined her lips with his sweet tongue. "...and the lips that I want only kissing mine." claiming her mouth Natalia let him, tasting the chocolate sweetness that he tasted of.

His kiss was sweet then after a few seconds was deepened. Slowly she felt him move them away from where they had been standing. A few feet away he stopped her, not once breaking from the heated kiss.

Kennedy softly pushed Natalia to sit down on the big couch that was in front of the flat screen t.v. Breaking the kiss as he stood over her, he shrugged off his jacket tossing aside. He cupped the side of her face lifting it up. "You look so beautiful Natalia. I swear I can kiss you all night." bending down he kissed her again leaning forward so her body can lay down on the couch.

He hovered over her, staring deep into her chocolate brown eyes as he brought her legs in the middle of the couch. His right hand supported his body while the other one caressed her arm causing goosebumps to erupt. "You are so soft." leaning down he began to kiss her jawline. Natalia arched her back a bit once she felt his lips on her neck. "God I want you." grunting on her skin.

"Kennedy." finding her voice. His kisses felt so good on her skin that she was lost in the feeling.

"Yes Preciosa." his voice filled with lust as he continued kissing her neck.

"I...we...oh my goodness..." feeling his teeth graze and nip on the sensitive spot on her neck.


"Kennedy...please. Stop." the words finally coming out of her mouth. Though the feeling was good, she felt he was moving a bit too fast.

Halting his kisses he looked up at her. Sitting up sighing he passes his hand over his hair then stands up walking away without a word leaving Natalia to watch him disappear down to the lower deck.


Laying in bed after taking a shower Natalia stared up at the ceiling as she replayed the night's event. Kennedy had taken her on the perfect date until it got a bit too heated. It wasn't that she didn't want to kiss him, but it was only their first "official" date and being intimate in that way was too soon.

Sighing she leaned forward to shut off her light until she heard her phone go off indicating a text.

Grabbing it, she slides it to read the message...Juliet.

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