Chapter 2: The New Neighbors...

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Andrea and Juliet headed over to the new neighbor's house to introduce themselves and to drop off the lasagna she had made. She Prayed that they liked the gesture and they weren't vegetarians.

Now in front of the door, Andrea rang the doorbell and waited for an answer.

"Coming!" she heard a female's voice yell from the other side followed by footsteps.

Hearing the lock unlock and then the door being opened Andrea put on a big smile.

"Hello, may I help you?" the woman who answered asked with a smile.

"Hi, how are you? My name is Andrea Heart and this is my daughter Juliet. We are your next door neighbors!" she said pointing towards her house.

Raquel looked in the direction and then back at Andrea. "Oh, nice to meet you!" she stuck her hand out to shake Andrea's which she mimicked.

"Come in, come in!" Raquel waved them to go in stepping aside.

"Thank you. This is a very nice place you got here." Andrea said looking around.

"Thanks, it's nice. You'll have to see it when it's decorated."

"Will have too. Anyways, I thought I would bring you dinner since I know how hard it is to move and then cook, so I made a lasagna, I really hope you like it." she said timidly hoping it wouldn't be turned down.

"Wow! Thank you so much! It is so very nice of you. My daughter and I love lasagna." Raquel tells her.

"Oh, you have a daughter?" Andrea looked at her and then Juliet.

"Yes I do. Where are my manners? My name is Raquel Cruz and my daughter's name is Natalia. She's actually upstairs. Natalia, please come downstairs." she yelled.

"Coming mami!" Natalia yelled back, footsteps then followed.

Andrea and Juliet looked up to see Natalia descending from the stairs, her long curly black hair bouncing behind her in a ponytail.

Reaching the last step Natalia smiled looking at the new faces standing next to her mom. "Hello." she greeted.

"Hello." Andrea and Juliet waved.

"Natalia, I want you to meet our neighbors from next door. This is Andrea Heart and her daughter Juliet. They were kind enough to bring us lasagna!" Raquel tells her putting an arm around her shoulder.

"Nice to meet you both and thank you for the lasagna. It's one of mom's and I's favorite." she smiled at them.

"That's great! Natalia, how old are you?" Andrea asked.

"I'm sixteen ma'am and a Junior in high school." Natalia says.

"Oh that's wonderful! Juliet is also." putting her hand on Juliet's shoulder. "Will you be attending Marymount High School then?"

"I will be, my first day is Monday ma'am." Natalia answered and Andrea couldn't believe how proper Natalia spoke.

"Cool, you'll be in my school." Juliet finally spoke grinning at Natalia.

"That's wonderful. Natalia will know someone there. Mamita, why don't you go upstairs and show Juliet your room and maybe get to know each other a little better. If that's alright with you Mrs. Heart?" Raquel quizzically asked Andrea.

"That's fine with me and please call me Andrea."

Both girls looked at their mothers with a smile and headed upstairs.

Natalia led Juliet inside her room. "So, here is my room. I almost have it the way I want it."

Juliet looked around and smiled "This is a great room." walking over to the wall where there was a collage of pictures of Natalia and...

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