"Sure! What's up?" 

I take a look around the city. Well, the moon's out. What are the chonces she'll be able to help? "See, we're stuck in London cause Brendon got his fucking car towed. We have no ride and I know you come here a lot so...would you be able to?" 

She laughs. "Of course he did. So you want me to be your ride?" 

"Basically," I squeak out in embarrassment. We've barely been friends for a week and I'm already stranded asking for a lift. 

The other line is silent for a couple seconds and I fear my phone died. "Hey, I know someone who'd love to give you guys a ride. You'd be saving him from boredom just this minute," 

I bite my lip. "I swear if you suggest Richard-" 

"It's Parker's birthday today!" Ayesha says. Well, shit. How do I react to this? "They've been out in London for basically the whole day. Flora loves the indoor playgrounds." 

"You want Parker to drive us home?" I say furrowing my eyebrows. 

She chuckles. "No, silly, Louis really doesn't want to be there. His cousin, Oscar, is driving him crazy, too." 

My heart drops and I begin shaking my head even though she can't see me. "Dude, that'd be humiliating!" 

Louis' rich ass family driving our stranded asses back home. Don't even get me started on how much embarrassment that'd be. I'd never be able to live it down from myself. 

"No, it wouldn't! He'd do anything right now to get out of there. Trust me, I was just on the phone with him. Do you want his cell?" 


"Cool, I'll text it to you. Make sure to call him, okay? Okie. Bye!" She says and I was going to protest but she ends the call, leaving me flabbergasted. My phone dings and a number has been texted to me. I'm pretty sure I already have his number, too. 

I can't possibly call Louis. He already hates me enough. And after yesterday? I can't look at him without being reminded that he already has a girlfriend and now I really have no chonce. Do you realize how stupid it is to be crushing on someone for four years and still having them pay no attention to you? It feels... shameful. 

Well, this is bringing my mood down again. I've literally been obsessing over someone who hates me. The worst part is, it's nearly April which means it's near graduation. You know, graduating from High School. And then who knows what will happen to me and Louis. 

"Alex, who were you talking to?" Patrick asks and I face them again. 

Clearing my throat from any oncoming tears, I explain to them that I called Ayesha and she gave me Louis' number to ask him since he's around town. They all stare at me before giving me looks. I shrug. 

"Dumbhead, call him!" Lizzie says. 

"Yeah, I'm hungry." 

"We just ate, Sarah..." 

"What? I'm hungry again." 

"Alex! Call or I will do it for you." 

I smile. "Yes, please do!" 

Brendon shakes his head. "No, she means from your phone." 

My smile disappears and my eyes do a little flippity-flip. Most people would call it an eye roll, but really, I can't roll my eyes. It just doesn't happen. 

Take a chonce, Alex. 

"Okay, fine," I say and slowly click on the number. Squeezing my eyes shut, I feel all the butterflies coming in and suddenly I can't talk anymore. 

It rings once. 


Please don't answer, please don't answer. 


I sigh in relief and look at them with a small smile. "Sorry, guys. Guess he didn't pick up. We could just call a cab or you know, stay in London for who knows how long. I wouldn't mind," 

They all glare at me and I shrug. 


"No?" I scrunch up my eyebrows. 

"Give me the address, I'll be there like, now." 

I scoff. "What do you mean give you the-" Wait a second. That's not them talking... 

Brendon gives me a smug smirk and Lizzie smiles. 

That's Louis! Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Louis' on the line and he just asked to give him the address. How am I still breathing? 

Sarah takes the phone from me and quickly tells him where we're at meanwhile I'm still standing in shock. That just happened. Why am I so surprised? Ugh. I hate life. 

"He'll be here in like five minutes. Thank goodness he's near us." Sarah says as she hands me my phone back. 

We all sit down on the bench and they all begin talking amongst each other. Brendon and Patrick keep laughing at basically nothing. It's hilarious. 

"What- was she a shag?" Brendon asks Patrick with a goofy smile. Sarah looks at me and then looks at Brendon. 


Patrick shakes his head. "Nobody." 

I grow interested in the conversation and so does Elizabeth. We never really hear about Patricks' love life, or in this case, sex life. Which is actually pretty funny because everything we tell each other is 'TMI' as fuck. 

"Jenna," Brendon smirks and I nearly choke on my spit. 

My eyes widen as I look at Patrick. "Jenna? Like, Jenna- Jenna?" Elizabeth whistles and I make a weird face. "Mason's best friend, Jenna?" 

Patrick shrugs and Brendon pats his back with a laugh. 

"You slept with her!?" 

Sarah laughs at me. "Relax, Alex. It's not a surprise, to be honest." 

I look at her funnily. "What do you mean? She literally likes nobody." 

a/n: sorry fam it's an au. 

Patrick's about to say something but a car honks at us. My eyes land on the expensive looking vehicle and my heart stops. 

He's here. 

Welcome to my death. 

a/n: Patrick needs a love interest. so i gave him one lOL 

An Impossible Love [l.t au]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz