Chapter Twelve

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It's finally Friday and Oreo has been getting me ready for a couple hours.

"Lucy will you stop moving!" she said. I sighed and tried to sit still, my butt is sore from sitting down for so long.

"AANNDD done." I smiled, finally. She handed me a mirror and I looked amazing.

'Thank you.'

"Your welcome. Now get down there." I smiled and put my heels on. We walked down the hall.

"Wait here." she said. I stayed where I was and she walked into the living room.

"I present to you Lucy Albertson ready for her date. Come on out Lucy." I smiled and walked into the living room. Ash stood up. And I raked my eyes over him in his suit. He looked extremely handsome.

"Wow. You look beautiful." I blushed.

"Pictures!" said Oreo. I rolled my eyes but handed her my phone. I don't know how many pictures she took but she finally stopped.

We walked to his car and he held the door open for me. He got in and started driving. He started singing to the radio, I smiled and started humming along. We got to the restaurant and I gaped at the place. It was really nice place.

' Wow. This place is really nice. What's the occasion?'

"Well other than you almost talking, I wanted to take my girlfriend to a nice restaurant." I smiled. He got out the car and opened my door. He held out his arm and I took it. When we walked in the Hostess smiled.

"Reservation for Jackson. Ash said.

"Right this way." We followed her and the room was breath taking. A table set for two, a beautiful chandelier, low music coming through the speakers.

We ordered out food, and I look at him.

'This place is beautiful.'

"It's dull in comparison to you." I smiled and leaned forwards.

'Oh really?'

"Yes, it is," I rolled my eyes, but closed them when Ash kissed me. He pulled away and smiled. We ate our food, which was really small, and left. He took me to the park where walked around. I laughed, but we were interrupted by Brittney.

"Hey, guys." What do you want? I thought.

"What do you want Brittney?"

"Oh nothing. Just that I was wondering where Lucy is?" I stared at her. Do I really look that different?

"Lucy is right here." he pointed at me.

"I don't think so. One she is to pretty, and two she is to tall to be Lucy." I looked at Ash, before taking off my heels. My feet were starting to kill me.

"Lucy?" she squeaked.

I nodded.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it." I rolled my eyes.

'Stop lying. Your just mad that I got Ash. You that's right I heard you telling your cheer bots about you trying to break me and Ash up. It's not going to work.' Ash repeated what I said and she walked off with a humpf.

"So she wants me to go out with her?" I nodded.

"Ya that's never going to happen. She's a walking STD in a ugly ass tube top." I laughed. We started walking again before he picked me up, and started walking towards his car. We got home and walked in.

"I see you two had fun." said Mr. Jackson when we walked in. I nodded, and headed towards the stairs. I showered and changed into my pajamas. I walked downstairs and found Ash, standing in the theater room, looking at the movies. I smiled and snuck up behind him and jumped.

"HEY!" he said and I giggled.

"You shouldn't have done that!" I smiled, kissed his check and jumped off to run.

This went on for about ten minutes before he caught me.

"I caught you." he whispered in my ear. I smiled, and leaned into him. He threw me over his shoulder and walked back into the theater room. He picked a movie, put it in and sat me down.

'What are we watching?'

"You'll see." I frowned but looked back at the screen. It turned out to be a scary movie, and about thirty minutes into the movie I was curled up in a ball trying to hide in his shirt, while he laughed at my reaction. NO DON'T GO IN THERE! I though. And your died. I thought. You should have listened to me.

Ash stopped the movie and put a different one in.

"As funny as your reaction is I want you to sleep." I nodded and looked at the screen. It was Guardians of the Galaxy! I smiled and uncurled myself out of my ball. Half-way through the movie I started yawning, and feeling my eyes close. I felt someone pick me up and start to walk, before I passed out completely.

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