Chapter One

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I woke up on the ground from last nights beating. I looked at the time. 5:55. Shit! I got up and took a shower. I changed and put on my make up to hide my bruises. After I was done it was 6:30 so I went downstairs and fixed my dad some breakfast. I made enough for me to have on the way to school to. I quickly wrapped up my food and hid it in my bag. I fixed my dad some coffee just in time to hear him walk down the stairs. It's 7:30.

"Got my food ready?" I nodded my head.

"Good. Get out." I didn't need to be told twice. I all but ran out the house. When I was down the street I grabbed my food and started eating. It's about a twenty minute walk to school and school doesn't start til 8.

I walked in and was pushed to the ground by the captain of the cheer squad Brittney. First day of senior year and I'm already being pushed to the ground. I thought with a frown.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." she said and her and her cheer-bots laughed. I got up off the ground and pulled out my schedule. Thank God this is my last year here. I thought as I looked for my locker. I was putting my extra binders in my locker and hearing the other atudents talk about their summer.

"Look, the mute freak is back." I heard someone say causing me to frown. I slammed my locker shut and went to go find my friends. They understand that I don't talk, so they protect me and answer my questions for the teachers. I was lucky to have them. I found them by Oreo's locker. Her real name is Ashley, but she always has a small pack of Oreo's in her bag.

"Lucy! How are you?" asked Morgan.

'I'm good. How about you guys?' I asked with a fake smile. They all learned sign language for me back in sixth grade.

We talked until it was time for class. The school made my schedule around those who are my friends. That way I have someone who can communicate to the teachers. After three and a half hours later of nothing but boring classes it was time for lunch. We were half way to the lunch room when I forgot something in my locker.

'I'll be right back. I forgot my notebook. Save my spot please.'

"Okay. hurry up." said Oreo. I nodded and walked towards my locker. I turned the corner and wasn't watching where I was going, when I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw that it was Ashton Jackson, the schools bad boy. I started to sign that I was sorry, but he beat me to it.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." He said and flashed me a smile. I just nodded and left.

After my encounter with Ashton I went to my locker and got my notebook that I use to write down what I want to say when I'm tired of signing. I got to the lunch room and Oreo handed me a bag of sour cream and onion chips and some pizza. I smiled because she knew that it was my favorite.

"So what took you so long?" asked Morgan.

"I had a run in with Ashton." I said. She snorted.

"Ya right. Tell us the truth." I frown.

"I did tell the truth." Just then I saw Oreo gasp and Morgan get wide eyed.

"I never got your name. So tell me your name?" Ashton asked me with a smile. I can feel the looks of Oreo and Mogan on me with even more confusion.

"My name is Lucy." I wrote and sbowed him.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl. Why aren't you talking?" He asked and I frowned. Ya sure call the mute and abused girl pretty and then ask me why i don't talk. I thought and didn't answer him. I notice that the cafeteria was really quite, and were watching us.

He stayed with us for the rest of lunch, trying to get me to talk, but failed. Morgan and Oreo did nothing to help me, while I suffered through his conversation. I walked into my class and sat down with a huff.

"I'm sorry I called you a liar." said Morgan when she sat down.

"It's okay. I almost didn't believe it myself when I bumped into him." She smiled and gave me a hug.

"Next time I promise I will believe you."

"You better." I said and she knew I was joking. She laughed, and went to say something until she looked behind me. I raised an eyebrow.

"What?" She turned me around and there stood Ashton. I frowned. What does he want now? I thought as i glared at him a little bit.

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