Chapter Ten

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It's been two days since Ashton got suspended and I didn't feel like walking home so I went to go see if Oreo and Morgan were still here and I smiledonce I saw them overat Morgan's locker.

"Hey girl, you need a ride?" Oreo asked once she saw me 

'That would be nice.' I said and they smiled.

"Alright. Let's go." Morgan said and spun her keys around her finger. I smiled and we all walked down the hall. They dropped me off at home, and I walked in to see a message on the voice mail. I pressed play.

"Um, something happened and it's going to take about a week to fix. I should be back on the first. That house better be spotless when I come home or your going to regret it." The message ended and I smiled. So I have another two weeks without my dad and no beatings for two weeks. This day just got better. I thought as I found a pair of speakers and plugged in my IPod.

I was too busy listening to music and cleaning I didn't hear the doorbell at first. I only heard it when I walked by the door.

"Thank God. I was getting ready to pick the lock. What have you been doing?" I looked down at my clothes and back up at him. I let him in.

He walked in and I shut the door.

"Cleaning. My dad said he'd be back on the first, because something happened."  He smiled.

"Good, because my dad wants you to come over for a couple of days. He also said he wasn't going to take no for an answer." I shook my head and walked up the stairs. I grabbed my duffel bag and started to pack some clothes. I packed extra notebooks, and pens. I had just grabbed my bag to walk downstairs, when I walked into something. I would have fell if he hadn't caught me.

"Hey, sorry. I really should make some noise to let you know I'm here." I gave him a look that said 'ya think?'

He laughed and took my bag before he walked downstairs. I grabbed my IPod and shut off all the lights, before walking out the house to his car.

We pulled up to his house and he grabbed my bag again. I got out and followed him. I found his dad standing in the kitchen.

"Hello Lucy. I see Ashton brought you over here about my offer." I nodded.

"Good. Ashton will show you your room, and there is a surprise for you." I looked at him but followed Ashton to my room. It was huge! A big bed, speakers in every corner, white sheets, blue carpet, and red curtains. You would think they would clash but they go well together. He sat my stuff on the bed.

"The closet is through that door," he pointed to the left door. "and the bathroom is the other door." I nodded.

"Come on. It's time for your surprise." he grabbed my hand and led me downstairs.

They sat me on the couch, and Ashton sat in front of me.

'What's going on?' I asked.

"Show her." was all Mr. Jackson said. I looked at Ashton and he took in a deep breath. He started talking but in sign language. I gaped at him before replying. I felt tears rolling down my face. He did this for me? I was to busy thinking that I didn't realize his dad left the room. I only realized it when Ashton wiped away my tears.

Ashton took in a deep breath, before letting it out. I heard him mumble, "here goes nothing." What can I say being mute has it's perks. Better hearing.

"Lucy, I know that we've only known each other for a short period but will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled and nodded. He sighed in relief and gave me a hug.

"Oh, and here's you other half of your surprise." he grabbed a box from the table and handed it to me. I opened it and saw a phone.

"It's got your friends numbers, my dad's just in case, and mine." I looked up at him and gave him a hug.

'Thank you.'

"Your welcome. Now lets get your voice back." He said.

I sat down my new phone and tried to hum. At first I ended up not making any noise at all but after an hour and a small coughing fit, I managed to make a small barley hear able hum.

I did it! I thought. Ashton smiled, "you did it!" he said. I nodded. Soon I felt myself being spun around.

"You did it!" Oh how I wish I can laugh! I thought. He sat me down when his dad walked in.

"She did what?"

"She made a small hum noise. It's part of the exercise the doctor told her to do so she can start talking again." Ashton said in a rush. Mr. Jackson smiled at me before giving me a hug.

"Good job, sweety." I smiled and tried it again. Trying to hide my tears from feeling fatherly love for the first time in twelve years.

Over the past two days, I have been humming and each time I get louder and louder. Then on Wednesday I was at my locker and Oreo called me.

"Lucy!" I hummed and turned around. She smiled.

"OH MY GOD! You made a noise!" she gave me a huge hug.

"What do you mean she made a noise?" asked Morgan. Oreo let me go, "show her!" I looked at Morgan and hummed. She smiled.

"I knew taking that offer would be a good idea. See you are back into the road for talking." she smiled and then I got stick in the middle of a group hug.

"I'm guess she hummed and you guys heard it?" asked Ashton. They nodded.

"Thank you. We've tried everything to get her to talk, and you finally got her to make some noise. We are grateful." said Morgan. I smiled and leaned into Ashton. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You don't need to thank me. I wanted to help her since she helped me get a passing grade for AP Physics."

I smiled and closed my locker, as the bell rang. Ash walked me to my class.

'Do you think when I get my voice back that I will be able to sing again?'

"I'm sure you will. It's going to take some time but yes I believe you will be able to sing again." I smiled and he kissed my forehead before walking to his class. I walked in and sat down next to Oreo.

"We need to celebrate. Today after school Morgan, you, and I are going shopping to celebrate your accomplishment." I nodded in agreement. Just then her face lit up. Uh-oh. Mrs. Ross walked in, and Oreo got out of her seat. She walked over to Mrs. Ross and said something. Mrs. Ross smiled and nodded.

"Okay class I was planning on reviewing for your test tomorrow but we've got good news. Lucy stand up." I stood up but not before glaring at Oreo.

"Lucy here is on her road to get her voice back and today her friends heard her make a noise. So please give Lucy around of applause." The class cheered and clapped. I sat down.

"Okay for today, do whatever you want as long as you don't get to loud." I pulled out my phone and texted Ash.

"Morgan and Oreo want to take me shopping today to celebrate my accomplishment."

"Okay. Get something nice but not to formal for Friday."  I smiled and plugged in my headphones.

'I love what you have done to your hair.' I said and Oreo smiled at mw.

"So do I." She said as she ran her hand through her short hair. She had shirt platinum blonde hair with blue hidden underneath.

'Let me know when it's time to leave.' I told Oreo and decide to take a nap.

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