Chapter Nine Ashton

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After I dropped her off at home, the night of the concert I went home. I walked into my dads office.

"Hey, dad. Can you teach me sign language?"

"Of course. Does this have anything to do with Lucy?" He asked and I felt myself smile slightly.


"Okay. What do you see in her?" I was taken back. What do I see in her?

"Well, she's beautiful, and talented. Every time I'm around her, I just want to make her day the best, and to keep her smiling. She just oozes this energy that makes you want to be nice, and I just want to make sure she gets her voice back and protect her." I said all at once.

My dad smiled.

"Okay. Let's start with the basics." I spent the last two hours, learning before my dad called a quite.

"We'll start again tomorrow. Also, I agree with what you said about her. She is beautiful and carries herself to be nice. Though I suspect she's hiding something. It was nearly eighty degrees the other day and she was wearing a long sleeve shirt." My dad said and he crossed his arms.

"What are you getting at, dad?"

"What's her family like?"

"Her mom died in a car crash when she was five. It's just been her and her dad since then. And I've never seen her dad before."

"Every now and then, she gets a scared look in her eyes and she'll stiffen up. She mainly does it when someone raises their hand to fast or yelling." My dad said and I started putting two and two together.

"Are you saying that she is getting abused by her father?"

"It's highly possible. Don't just down right ask her, that'll cause her to shut down and ignore you. Watch her and her actions. I'm going to have a background check on her father, and dig up more truth about what happened to her mother." He said.

"Lucy was in the car when her mother died. She said that she got glass in her sides and hands from it. She said she stopped talking that day." I said with a frown.

"I'm not calling her a liar but something just isn't adding up." My dad said.

"Okay. Oh and dad. I'm going to buy her a phone, I don't like the fact that she uses an IPod to stay connected with her friends and I when she can connect to the internet." I said.

"That's fine with me. Its late and you have school tomorrow." My dad said.

"Alright. I'll see you in the morning." I said.

I walked out of his office and headed to my room. What is this girl doing to me? I knew she was hiding something. I thought. I hope it's nothing to bad. I thought as I changed. That drawing she finished today, would be a very nice tattoo, one day. I thought before I crashed onto my bed.

*Back to Lucy's POV*

I looked up at the waiter, that said I needed to leave.

"Why should she leave?" asked Ashton.

"She doesn't belong here." I felt tears prickling in my eyes. Just then Mindy showed up with out food.

"Mindy can you get a manager please?" Ashton asked as he continued to glare at the other waiter, George. Well thats what his name tag said.

"Right away." She left and I watched, George closely. I soon saw Mindy and someone behind her head this way.

"Right here sir." she said and walked away.

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