He's My Demon. Demon!dean x demon!reader

Start from the beginning

"Dean. Dean!" You whispered loudly, slapping him lightly, back and forth with your hands in order to awake him. Dean began to regain some consciousness but he was not sure of who was trying to wake him up. "Who is that? Oh it's just you, Y/N." Dean said recognizing you. "Yeah, you're welcome by the way." You said also adding to sit still, you didn't want to hurt him or anything. "Thanks Princess." Dean said kissing you on the neck. "I am in debt to you and I will repay tonight if you know what I mean." He winked not wanting to try and even be discrete about.

"Oh, I know what you mean, Dean." You say with an added sigh of relief. Dean shook his wrists due to the fact he had been restrained the moment he was stepped foot into the bunker, let alone when Sam picked him up. "So, how are we going to get out of here?" Dean asked obviously knowing if you didn't move soon it was only a matter of time before Sam would be back.

"Well, you are the one who you use to live here so you tell me." You said cracking your knuckles. "You got in here okay, I think you can manage getting us our of here." Dean said relaying all of the stress back to you. You rolled your eyes. "Fine. Where's the garage?" You asked simply. You knew never go out the same place you came in.

"Right this way." Dean said, showing where to go but choosing to remain behind you. He would very easily be able to kick anyone's ass that ever dared to lay a hand on you. He was not afraid to kill anyone for you. You had your demon knife ready to pounce at anyone. You got what you came here for and if anyone got in the way of that, someone was going to bleed.

You and Dean had a sick and twisted love. You were two outlaws on the run. You two sold your souls to the devil and you were dead and turned back on as demons. Two demons in love with each other. "Just through that door and then we will be home free." Dean said licking his lips. You nodded your head letting Dean know you heard him.

"Let's give it another go." You and Dean both heard Sam say as he was coming down the hall way. He was much farther away, and heading to the dungeon. But if you two didn't pick up the pace you could kiss it all the way.

"Run." Was all you heard Dean say. You booked for the door and then two seconds later you returned to the outside light. You and Dean didn't stop running there. He only asked where your car was parked at. You told him it was just a little bit down the road.

You and Dean got to your car and Dean insisted that he drives. "Give me the keys." Dean demanded. "Here you go!" You weren't going to ask any questions, things would go a lot faster and smoother that way. You left it unlocked and you both got in. Dean fired her up and you were off. You and Dean actually got away.

You texted Crowley letting him know that you and Dean were able to get out of there in one piece. You weren't going to let Dean that it was you and Crowley in on this with you. Not yet anyway. You weren't lying to Dean, you just were holding back a few truths. "So where do you want to go, baby?" You asked shutting your phone off, setting it down in your lap. "We can go anywhere we want to go, baby. Where do you want to go?" Dean answered with a question.

You smiled and then you heard your phone vibrate. It was a text from Crowley. It read to meet him in L.A. "How does Los Angeles sound?" You suggested, doing as your master said. "That sounds good." Dean said a hand to rub up and down your leg. "Perfect." You said as you shot Crowley a text in response. "In route. I expect details." Was all you wrote. You earned a eager reply. "Your wish is my command." After that, you did not text him back, that was good way to end your conversation anyway.

It sounded like things were looking up for Dean and you. Or at least that's what you hoped for.

Sam returned to the dungeon to his greatest fear. Dean had escaped. Sam called for Cas, and after a thorough search of the entire bunker. His worse fear was alive and well. Dean was back out into the world. But he knew for a fact his older brother was not alone. Cas found something that belonged to you, that must have slipped out. It was also evident seeing the demon trap with a hole, which was burned through a hole.

It had been your wallet. With your ID, cash and credit cards. "I think Dean might have had a little help escaping, Sam." Cas said bringing this to his attention for the first time. "Let me see that." Sam said as Cas threw it to him. "Y/N Y/L/N. I don't know her. Do you, Cas?" Sam said showing her the picture on your license. "No I don't but the better question is how does Dean know her?" Cas said, that being the sixty-four dollar question.

"It was obviously a demon. It had to be." Cas said using a conclusive and serious tone of voice. Sam shook his head to side to side with discouragement. All of those months searching for a sign of his older brother who didn't even want him in his life. "This isn't Dean, Sam. You know it isn't." Cas said in attempt to send Sam some reassurance.

"But you know what Cas? Maybe this is Dean. This might have been him all along but we were to blind to see it." Sam said, forcing himself to hold back the tears was not going to cry after a brother that didn't even love him. Cas bit his lip. Sam was very torn about this. Cas knew Sam would eventually want to try and go after him but right know he was trying to come up with a reason why he even should.

The End!?

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