He closed his eyes and braced for impact. When he suddenly felt something soft underneath him, confused Leo look down and so he was on a giant eagle.

"Frank?" Leo screamed. The eagle looked at Leo with it's eye the size of a platter plate, and they were completely blue with flecks of red. The eagle screeched that Leo hoped meant. Of course idiot, do you know any one else that can turn into a giant flying eagle?

When Frank landed a very angry daughter of Aphrodite was pacing on the deck. Her hair was a complete rats nest and her make up was running down her eyes. 

"Frank mind explaining where you were when Leo woke up?" Piper demanded iciley. 

"Uh on the deck." Frank blushed. 

"So when Leo woke up he walked all the way up here with a fractured skull, broken ribs and a cut on his arm?" Piper clarfied looking very angry. Leo thanked Hesphaestus for not letting Piper be mad at him. 

"And you Valdez! You couldn't have yelled for one of us?" Piper demanded. Thanks dad. Leo thought grumpily. Thunder boomed even though it was a clear afternoon. 

"Piper I am fine!" Leo protested. 

"Ugh!" Piper yelled in frustration. 

Leo shuffled away from Piper nervously. "So uhm, Frank, Percy said you aren't ADHD or dylexsic is that true?" 

Piper looked at a blushing Frank curiously who replied. "Yea."

Piper and Leo busted out laughing. Frank frowned for a second and then started laughing too. 

"Whoa what is that?" Piper asked straightening out and looking towards the mountain, with the sun gently setting behind it. 

They saw a big cloud of dust flying behind two horse riders. "Leo!" Two girl voices yelled at the top of their lungs and Leo smiled. Hazel and Annabeth. 

Leo, Piper and Frank went to the stables where Leo ha thought the pegasi would have loved but apparently they are more of a free spirit. Hazel hugged Frank."Frank can you get Jason off the horse he will be out for a few days."   

"What happened?" He heard Piper shriek. 

"Lets just get him to the sick bay and we will tell you the story fair?" 

"Fine." Piper mumbled. 

When Frank slipped and dropped Jason down the four steps left Leo had to quickly walk to his room to laugh. He came back as Annabeth was starting their story.

 "So whose the goddess?" Frank asked. 

"Oh here." Annabeth said digging around in her pocket, she pulled out the white piece of paper. She dropped the page when she read it and turned pale. 

"Who is it Annabeth?" Leo asked. 

"It is Lyssa." 

"Who is that?" Frank asked. 

"A minor goddess of raging madness and fury, it explains what happened to Leo." Annabeth explained. 

Leo blew a sigh relief and looked out the window where a red glow flashed on top of the mountian. He ran to the alarm and hit it. 

"What the Pluto, Valdez?" Frank barked. 

"Sorry always wanted to do that." Leo shrugged and smiled then filled in everyone what he saw. 

"Let's go! Leo can you walk?" Annabeth asked. 

"Yea but we have to fly!" Leo shouted back as he was running to get the Argo in the sky. He swore he heard Hazel mumbe. "Great." 

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