Chapter Three

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^^Maxwell Andrews

Chapter Three:

Cecilia's POV:

"Hey I got an idea, why don't you tell her at her birthday party this weekend?" Stiles suggested as we sat down at the lunch table. Stiles and I always got here before Stella and Jackson simply because they had to come from the east wing all the way over to the west wing and Stiles and I had class already in the west wing.

"How about no, Stiles?" I asked while sitting down and opening the container I bought that had a sandwich inside.

"And why not? She will be eighteen, I doubt she will be mad that her best friend finds her step dad hot." He assured.

"That's the point. I don't just find him hot Stiles, I literally love everything about him. He gets home late and makes sure there is coffee every morning, he laughs so easy and he is just so carefree about everything. He is loving life and I want to be apart of that." I explained and Stiles sighed.

"Cece, you, Stella, Jackson and Stephen are my best friends. I want to see each and everyone of you happy. Jack and Stells are happy together, Stephen is ecstatic with his soccer career and I am excited for my lacrosse career but then there is you. You're amazing at lacrosse, you're gorgeous, you're smart and funny and you're hung over some guy who is already married. If you don't want him to know your true feelings then move on, doll." He said and I stared at the empty container as I chewed my food.

"What's up? You guys look like you are having a deep conversation." Stella laughed sitting down with her tray.

"Just discussing your birthday." Stiles smiled.

"I'm so excited, Montana's is our place." She grinned referring to the restaurant we went to every year for our birthdays.

"Hey Jackson, I didn't know you were back." Marissa said sitting down next to him. Natalie sat next to me and I frowned. Natalie was Stephen's girlfriend and her best friend was Marissa, a shallow, two-faced girl with fake breasts. She was in love with Jackson but Jack never showed interest.

"I-uh, just got back today." Jackson said uncomfortably. Marissa laughed and stared at him as Stella ate. It took a lot to piss Stella off and she trusted Jackson and she knew he didn't like Marissa. Jackson was just a good guy and couldn't tell the poor girl no.

Stella ate and curled into Jackson's side and he put his arm around her. The glare on Marissa's face was priceless and Stiles and I couldn't help but die of laughter.

She whipped her head around and eyed us.

"What are you two freaks laughing at?" She snapped.

"The jealousy on your face is showing Marissa." I said sweetly and she rolled her eyes.

"Fuck off Cecilia, at least I am going after a guy. You haven't dated anyone in how long? Are you sure you're not a dyke?" She asked pleasantly and I narrowed my eyes.

"Really? Because I focus on school and sports instead of trying to get down someone's boyfriends' pants?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes.

"At least I am not trying to be Stella." She said getting up.

"Trying to be like Stella? What the fuck?" I asked.

"You dress like her, you're her assistant something else for once, kay?" She asked before leaving. I turned back and breathed through my nose.

"What the hell is her problem?" Stella snapped.

"Hey Marissa! Too bad Jackson will never love a hoe like you. Keep trying maybe one day I will break your face." Stella called and Jackson pulled her down.

"Easy, tiger." He chuckled.

"No that isn't right what she said. We should beat her up." Stella grinned and I shook my head and stood up.

"She's right. I'm flat I have nothing unique about me." I shrugged throwing out my garbage and leaving the cafeteria. We had to head out anyways.

"Cece!" Stella called after me. I opened our lacrosse locker and began pulling out our stuff. We had to share lockers for our lacrosse equipment because there wasn't enough space.

"Cece, don't listen to her. Her and Natalie do the exact same thing." She said rolling her eyes.

"Yes but Natalie full on says she wants to be Marissa. I don't want to be you, I want to be my own person. And that is how people look at me? I have nothing unique to me. I have brown hair and hazel eyes and you have gorgeous blond hair and blue eyes. You're captain and I am assistant captain. You have an amazing boyfriend and I have been single for four years." I sighed.

"Ce, we are best friends we do everything together. No one looks at you like that. They see a very independent girl who doesn't need a guy on her arm like some people do. You're independent and you're strong which is what I love about you. Don't let someone like Marissa tell you otherwise." She said and I smiled.

"Thanks Stells." I said softly while throwing my bag over my shoulders and grabbing my stick.

"Anytime." She smiled hugging my side.


I would be lying if I said I didn't search the stands for Max. It wasn't hard because not many people could make a one o'clock game. But there he was. He changed into jeans and a jacket because it was a little cold outside. Under my jersey and equipment I had on a long sleeve and my socks were pulled up.

Stella and I were both attack on the field and we played really well together.

However we were caught in our zone for one play. Stella went back and the girl speared her with the end of her stick where there was no padding. Stella stumbled holding her side and I frowned going to the girl with the ball. She didn't see me but my shoulder collided with hers harshly. The impact almost had me falling. Her team froze and watched as she rolled on the grass but I already had the ball and I was running down the field.

Once I got close to their net I flung the ball towards the goalie and she missed it causing it to land in the back of the net.

After the game Stella and I walked to Max's car.

"That was a serious hit Cece, I didn't know you were that strong." Max said while opening my door for me. I blushed at his actions and got in pulling my hat down. My hair was wet and I didn't like the wind blowing it around.

"It was nothing." I shrugged.

"Are you kidding!? You totally rocked her. She was down and out." Stella grinned.

"I don't know much about lacrosse but it was fun to watch you." Max said glancing back at me causing me to blush...again.

In Love with my Best Friends' Dad (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now