Chapter Two

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Stella Andrews ^^

Chapter Two:

I woke up early the next morning to see Stella still fast asleep. I let her finish sleeping as I rummaged through some of her clothes. We always shared clothes and I have left countless things over here.

I pulled on a pair of boy shorts and a sports bra I brought over and I snatched some gym shorts from Stella's closet and a lacrosse hoodie. We had a game today and our equipment was at school. Stella would most likely be wearing the same thing.

I tied my hair into two braids and continued on downstairs. I smelt fresh coffee and I curiously peeked around the corner to see Max making coffee. No matter how late he was out, he got up early every morning to make coffee for Stella's mom, Stella and Stephen.

I smiled and then took in his attire. He had on no shirt but was wearing a pair of soccer shorts that hung low on his hips. His back muscles flexed slightly as he moved around the kitchen. I gulped and took  a deep breath and stepped into the kitchen.

"Good morning Mr. Andrews." I said plastering a fake smile on my face. He turned and flashed me a gorgeous smile. My heart literally stopped beating. RIP Cecilia.

"Fuck Cece you make me sound old by calling me Mr. Andrews." He teased while setting down a cup of coffee for me.

"Just call me Max." He chuckled and I smiled and pulled out the bag of bagels from their cupboard and popped one into the toaster. Stella would most likely want one so I left it on the counter as mine toasted.

"You and Stells have a game today?" He asked while going through his phone. He sat at the kitchen table casually. How a guy like him could be married this early boggled my mind. Don't get me wrong, Stella's mom was gorgeous as I said earlier but still...

"Where is Ms. Andrews?" I asked glancing around.

"She had to go into work early again." He said not even looking up. I said nothing as I smoothed down butter onto the bagel. I pushed Stella's down and I moved about the kitchen but felt Max's eyes on me the whole time.

"So." He said and I turned back raising my eyebrow.

"So?" I asked confused.

"You and Stella have a game today?" He laughed and my cheeks flushed remembering that he had asked me a question.

"Oh sorry...yea we do. We are facing Tall Oaks." I said laughing nervously. Tall Oaks was a school in the less wealthy district. The kids there didn't like any of us because we were rich snobs. My parents were rich and wanted me to live that classy and glamorous lifestyle but I never wanted it.

I was a tom boy and I didn't want to be a model...I didn't want to be like the Kardashians.

"I'm off today I will come watch. I'll drive you guys to school." He announced standing up. I said nothing and watched him leave the kitchen. As he did Stella walked in wearing the same attire but her hair was in a ponytail.

"Morning, dad." She said.

"Morning, pumpkin." He teased and she laughed and continued into the kitchen.

"You're the best." She smiled as I slid over a bagel and a cup of coffee.

"I know." I grinned.

After we ate we grabbed our backpacks and Stephen came down the stairs. He was in his soccer tracksuit because he had a tournament over the next two days for school. Max followed down the stairs wearing joggers and a sweatshirt.

"Are you hitting the gym?" Stella asked as he stuffed on his Underarmour shoes and grabbed his bag. He was on his phone still.

"Yep. I'm going to go for about an hour or two." He answered as we walked out. Stephen sat in the front seat while Max drove and Stella and I sat in the back. Max and Stephen were having an intense conversation about soccer. Stephen was really, really good at soccer. Mind you Max was better, sorry not sorry.

"It's going to be hard. No one ever said it was going to be easy." Max said glancing at him.

"I know. It's a lot that's why I just want to know that I am doing the right thing. Natalie is bitching because I'm never around..." He sighed running a hand through his blond locks. Stephen was gorgeous...there was no doubt about it. He was like an older brother though.

"During grade eleven and twelve I didn't have a girlfriend, sure I had a lot of hookups but they were one night stands." He explained and I felt my brows furrow at his comment.

"Gross, don't want to hear about your hookups, dad." Stella said sticking out her tongue and Max glanced back and laughed as he pulled up to the gates of our school.

"Alright, your mom said she would pick you up from the soccer centre and I will see you ladies at one o'clock." He said winking at us.

"Dad, don't wink." Stella laughed and he grinned and waved us off.

"Have a good day guys." He said before pulling off. I stood watching him leave and Stella watched with me.

"He's a cool step-dad, probably because he is only seven years older than us." She shrugged and I nodded and we walked into the parking lot.

The minute we did Stella began jogging. I followed her to her boyfriend Jackson who was pulling his hockey bag out. Jackson was a Vancouver Canucks prospect. Him and Stella have been dating for a year and a half now. For years Jackson had the biggest crush on Stella but he was too afraid to do anything.

However in the summer of grade ten he asked her to the summer fair and they have been together since. Jackson was really cute, he loved Stella to death and although moms like Stella's-roast- clung to him, he never even bothered.

"How was training?" She smiled pulling back from their hug.

"It was good, I should be off now for a while." He smiled and their lips met. I watched in envy and sighed quietly and they finally pulled away.

"Hey Jack, how was it?" I asked.

"It was good. You guys got a game today?" He asked referring to our attire.

"Yea against Tall Oaks." Stella groaned. Not only did they hate us but they played dirty.

"You guys will do fine." He assured. As if on cue a loud crash was heard. We turned back and Stiles had successfully knocked over all the bikes on the bike rack.

"I missed Stiles." Jackson chuckled and we laughed as we watched Stiles struggle with putting all the bikes back. Once he did he made his way over to us.

"Yea thanks for helping out assholes." He grumbled.

"I love watching you struggle." Stella laughed patting his shoulder.

In Love with my Best Friends' Dad (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now