Chapter 17 - Not the End

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I must say, after Thranduil and I finally talked it out during that night at the party, things have been better. Staying true to his word, he gives me space when I need it and time to think things over. He knows where his limits stand and I thank him for that.

We did make plans for the future of our kingdoms where we would spend half a year in Mirkwood and half a year in Menel, leaving Legolas to watch over when we are in my kingdom and Kellorin to watch over when we are in Thranduil's.

We are definitely going to go through with the plan eventually but not right now. Right now, we are enjoying our time together, taking it slow. We have plenty of time to do all that we want to. I turn over to Thranduil who sleeps peaceful next to me, one arm draped over his eyes and the other around me.

He looks very relaxed compared to when I see him, crown upon his head, wearing a frown upon his handsome face. I know I was mad at Thranduil for keeping secrets from me, but I now know I should never push him away from me again. How did I even end up with him? He should have someone better than me.

"So what's happening?" A deep voice breaks my thoughts and I blink a couple of times to see a pair of piercing blues stare back at me.

"What do you mean?" He turns so he is laying on his side and places his other arm over me.

"You were very deep in thought my love. Anything you would like to say?" He pulls me so close to him, I'm pressed against his chest.

"Nothing important" I look up at him and he raises one bushy eyebrow.

"If you say so" He leans his head down and presses a loving kiss to my lips. I smile against his lips as he makes the kiss deeper and slowly rolls over until he hovers above me. I move one hand up into his silky hair and drag it through. I lift my other hand to his cheek, brushing my thumb over it.

He breaks the kiss and stares down at me. "I love you, you know that"

"I know, I love you too" I stare back up at him.

"I'm so happy I have you back with me" He leans down and buries his face in my neck, giving me light kisses.

"I am too" He then suddenly gets up and jumps off the bed. I sit up and lean against the head board, confused by his sudden action. He goes over to his desk and opens up a drawer. He hides whatever he has behind his back and walks back over to the bed, sitting on the edge.

"I had some of my finest blacksmiths make this" He hands me a box and I look up at him.

"What is it?" He gestures for me to open the box. So I untie the ribbon and open the box, gasping at what is inside. "Thranduil, I don't know what to say. It's beautiful"

"You don't have to say anything. This necklace is a promise from me to you. To remind you and I that I will always be there by your side and protect you until the day I die" He takes it out of the box and moves my hair aside, putting it around my neck. He leans back and smiles. "Beautiful, like always"

"Thank you Thranduil" I lean over to him and place a loving kiss on his lips.

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