Chapter 7 - Bad News

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I wake up to find my head moving up and down. I open my eyes to see that my head is on Thranduil's chest, my arm is draped over his stomach and his arms are wrapped tightly around me. I look up to see a pair cool blue eyes looking at me already.

"Good morning love" Thranduil greets, smiling.

"Morning. What time is it?" I ask.

"I don't know and don't care" he tells me, going to lean in and kiss me.

I avoid him and he pouts again. "I won't give you a kiss until you tell me"

He sighs. "It's dawn, now can I get a kiss?"

I smile and kiss him. I feel him smile through the kiss and we pull apart. I lay back on his chest.

"Do you have any meetings today?"

"No, why?" I ask.

"So we can lay in bed all day since that's all you can do" he says smiling down at me.

"Fine, but I'm sleeping still. Its only dawn"

"Okay, I'll wake you up later" he tells me before I close my eyes.


"Miriel! Get up! Hurry!" I hear someone call.

I slowly wake up and sit to see Thranduil at the foot of the bed with his crown on.

"Yes? What's the rush?" I ask.

"My messenger from Mirkwood told me the dwarves have reclaimed the mountain!"

"So? You woke me up to tell me that why?"

"Because I am going back to Mirkwood to gather my army and we are going to march down to Erebor."


"Because there are gems in the mountain that I desire to get back, the heirlooms of my people that the dwarves stole" he said coldly.

"You are going to war over gems?" I ask, thinking how stupid it sounds.

"Yes because they belong to me!" He walks out of the room, leaving me to get dressed.

I sigh and slowly get up before going to wash up.


I walk into the throne room to see Thranduil pacing back and forth at the bottom of my throne.

"There you are!" he exclaims, stopping his pacing. "I must leave, I will come back after the battle"

"I'm coming with you, if you are going to battle, then so am I" I tell him.

"No! I will not allow it, you are still injured!" he said, his voice slightly raising.

"I am going, and you can't stop me!" I begin to yell.

"I can stop you, I will not allow you to be injured, should a war start!" He shouts.

"I am going and that's final!" I shout and leave the room to prepare my army.


I meet Thranduil outside the gates with my army, armed and armoured ready to fight.

"It seems like I can't change your mind no matter what I do" He says to me.

"Where ever you go, I go" I say to him smiling.

"That's a lot of men you brought" he looks behind me to see my army. "I still need to gather mine you know"

"That's only a quarter of my army Thranduil" I tell him.

He looks back at them with a shocked face. "You must have over five thousand of them at least"

"Ten thousand. Menel is not just an elven kingdom anymore. Men reside here to" I inform him.

"Oh, well you seem to have more people than me" He says, looking back at me.

"Well, Menel is a big kingdom" he nods in agreement.

"Let's go, I need to gather my army." He says, gracefully mounting his elk and we ride off to Mirkwood.


After gathering Thranduil's army in Mirkwood, we mixed our armies together and grouped them so they can all work together. We head to Dale where we heard the people of Lake Town have moved after the fall of Smaug. I asked Thranduil to bring them supplies like food and water and he did.

We arrive just after dawn and our army flows into Dale and takes up most of the space. We ride into a courtyard and see a man coming up to us.

"My Lord Thranduil, My lady Miriel, we did not look to see you here." He greets.

"I heard you needed aid." Thranduil said, our elves bringing the food and water and all the lake town people gathered around happily to get the food and water.

"You have saved us. I do not know how to thank you." The man thanks.

"Your gratitude is misplaced. I did not come on your behalf. I came to reclaim something of mine." He looks down at the man from his elk. I sigh, knowing Thranduil would say something like that. "There are gems in the Mountain that I too desire. White gems of pure starlight."

Thranduil moves off with his elk to watch our army march off to the mountain. I send an apologetic look to the bargeman and move my horse next to Thranduil and his elk.

"Wait! Please, wait! You will go to war over a handful of gems?" the bargeman stopped him.

"The heirlooms of my people are not lightly forsaken." Says Thranduil.

"We are allies in this. My people also have claim upon the riches in that Mountain. Let me speak with Thorin." The bargeman offers.

"You would try to reason with the Dwarf." Thranduil asked him, as if it was pointless.

"To avoid war? Yes." The bargeman said before getting on a horse and heading to the mountain.

"You know, if he does reason with those dwarves, we don't need to fight" I turn to Thranduil.

"Dwarves are stubborn, they won't give us those gems easily. They are greedy, they too would go to war against us if we stole something of theirs." Thranduil heads down to the mountain and I follow him silently.

We watch from afar the bargeman talking to the dwarf king. He then turns around and mounts his horse before heading towards us.

"He will give us nothing." He says slightly angered.

"Such a pity. But still you tried." Thranduil tells him.

"I do not understand. Why? Why would he risk war?" The bargeman questions.

"It is fruitless to reason with them. They understand only one thing." He unsheathes his sword and looks at it before turning to the bargeman. "We attack at dawn."

He turns his elk around and heads back to Dale. "Are you with us?"

I sigh and look towards the bargeman before turning and following Thranduil back into Dale.

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