Chapter 2 - A warning

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I sigh as I look down at the messenger at the bottom of my throne. "Who was it that sent you" I demand monotonously.

"King Thranduil, my queen" he responds shakily.

"King Thranduil... Thranduil" I mumble under my breath.

I have heard of that name before. I thought.

"King Thranduil of Mirkwood" He says nervously.

"Sadron!" I shout out to my assistant.

An ellon, slightly taller than me, came out from behind my throne and bowed to me.

"My queen, are you in need of assistance?" the long brown haired ellon asked.

"Yes, please get the message from that messenger and give him a room to stay in" I say, emotionlessly.

"Yes my queen" he walks to the messenger and he retrieves the message. He then walks up to the throne and gives it to me. Before departing with the messenger, they bow and leave.

I get up from my throne and walk down silently, passing the two guards at the doors, the tail of my coat sweeping across the floor. They bow to me in respect and close the doors behind me. I head down an isolated path that leads to a pair of giant marble doors, with engraved animals and the skies. The two guards posted there opened it and bowed to me before closing it behind me. I sigh again and take off my crown, putting it on the bedside table. I unclasp my cloak and toss it carelessly on my bed. I then walk over to my desk and sit down, pushing all of the mess to one side and resting my elbows on it. I take out the note from the King and open it up.

To Queen Miriel of Menel.

You may not remember me as it has been a long time but I am King Thranduil of Mirkwood. You may be wondering what this letter is about, so I will tell you. The darkness is rising, after the last alliance, the day my father passed and I became King. Yes they may have defeated Sauron but as long as the ring lives, so does he. Orcs have grown in number, growing stronger, and so is the Dark Lord. I got word from Mithrandir that your kingdom is one of the targeted kingdoms of their plan.

This letter is a warning to you and your kingdom. I would like to help you as our fathers were close friends and I would like to be close friends with you as well. Though our kingdoms are close, we should help protect each other's. So I am asking, would you ally with me so we can protect ourselves from the evil?

Please respond when you can, preferably as soon as possible. I can feel the darkness growing, our forest is getting darker and something festers in Dol Guldur, an evil spirit of some sort.

Yours sincerely,

King Thranduil of Mirkwood.

I read over the letter a couple more times before getting up from my desk and leaving the letter there. I lost my parents the day after the Last Alliance. The runaway orcs came and attacked us, trying to take over our home so they can reside in it. So I was not the only one to lose my family too orcs. Thranduil did as well, but the battle was ages ago, it was in the First Age and it is now the Third Age. I think I remember Thranduil now, he was only a prince and I was a princess. I write a letter back to him and roll it up. I walk to my door and open it.

"Can one of you please send this letter to the messenger and tell him to give it directly to King Thranduil?" I ask the guards.

"Yes my queen" they bow and run off to the messenger.

I walk back in my room and walk to the bathroom. I strip my clothes off and slip into the warm water. I begin to wash my hair and body before relaxing in the water, relieving me of my stress and worries. After a while when the water became cold, I got out of the water, drying myself before slipping into a night gown. I walk out of the bathroom and out to the balcony that overlooks most of Menel. I stand there for a while, the night wind blowing through my hair and the starry lights that light up the kingdom. I then remembered a song that I wrote myself when I was younger. I wrote many songs to represent my feelings and every month, I would have a new song. But I stopped writing songs after they died.

I then leaned on the rail and started to sing. (Play the song if you want)

Another day, of painted walls and football on the TV (I know they didn't have TV, ignore that bit)
No one sees me
I fade away, lost inside a memory of someone's life
It wasn't mine

I was already missing before the night I left
Just me and my shadow and all of my regrets
Who am I? Who am I when I don't know myself?
Who am I? Who am I? Invisible

Wasted days, dreaming of the times I know I can't get back
It seems I just lost track
Looking on as all of life's colours seem to fade to grey
I just walked away

I was already missing before the night I left
Just me and your shadow and all of my regrets
Who am I? Who am I when I don't know myself?
Who am I? Who am I? Invisible

Who am I? Who am I when I don't know myself?
Who am I? Who am I? Invisible
Who am I? Who am I when I don't know myself?
Who am I? Who am I? Invisible

Another day, the walls are built to keep me safe
I can't escape, it's too late

(Invisible – 5 Seconds of Summer)

With tears collected in my eyes, refusing to fall, I ended the song and walked back inside, sighing and flopping on the bed.

"I will be forever alone" I whispered sadly before falling into a dreamless sleep.

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