Chapter 3 - A visit and a Plan

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The next few days went by in a blur. It was not until this particular afternoon when Sadron came to me in the library.

"My queen!" Sadron quickly bowed.

I signalled him to rise and continue.

"The king of Mirkwood has arrived" He announced.

I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "Call Miriana, tell her to get rooms prepared for our guests. And bring King Thranduil to the throne room."

"As you wish" he left to do his jobs and I get up to head to the throne room.

I reach the throne room and I walk up to my throne, brushing my fingers over the armrest before turning and sitting on it.

"He has come earlier than expected" I mumble to myself.

A few minutes later, Sadron comes in through the doors and behind him trails the elf king, Thranduil. He is quite tall, slightly taller than Sadron. His long blonde hair cascades down his shoulders, he stands tall with his chin up like he is above everyone in this kingdom. His silver robes make him look like a king and his velvet red looking robe trails behind him, like mine.

"My queen, may I introduce you to King Thranduil of the Woodland Realm." Sadron introduces.

"My queen" The King bows to me.

"King Thranduil" I bow my head in respect. "Everyone, leave us"

Everyone leaves the throne room, leaving the King and I alone.

"It has been a very long time, Thranduil" I start.

"It has" he speaks.

"You came earlier than expected, I was expecting you to come in two days"

"I felt the need to come earlier so we can plan our soldiers. And also to know you a bit more. It has been a while since we saw each other."

"Agreed. And it also has been a while. We can continue our talk during lunch, rooms have been prepared for you and your men."

"Thank you Miriel" the king thanks before leaving.

I walk out the doors after him and head to the dining room. I walk past the soldier tables, watching them laugh and talk merrily. I sigh, I wish I could be a happy as them. I reach the table where only the royals and nobles sit. We all begin to eat and a couple of minutes later, Thranduil walks through the door with his guards. His guards move to sit with my soldiers and Thranduil walks over to our table and sits across from me. On my left, sits Sadron and on my right sits the captain of the guard, Kellorin.

"I thank you for the letter, Thranduil" I begin.

"I assume you have told your guards?" he asks.

"Not quite yet, we need to first sort out how to protect our kingdoms before I tell them my plans."

"What are you talking about, if I may ask" Kellorin cuts in.

"I have warned Miriel that your kingdom is in danger. Orcs have grown in number and they are targeting your kingdom for their plan, as well as mine. This is why I have come, to make an alliance with your kingdom so we can defend" Thranduil answers.

"We need a plan" Sadron says.

"Indeed" Kellorin agrees.

"Maybe we can have patrols around the borders of each kingdom another patrol near Dol Guldur." I suggest.

"And we could send spies around Dol Guldur and report back to us on their progress." Thranduil adds.

"We need to arrange the patrol times, when they switch and where they are supposed to go." Kellorin informs.

"Well we need them on the north border, south, east and west." I say.

"We should also get some patrols in the forest too, help clear out the spiders as well" Thranduil says.

"Then I think we have it sorted" I take a sip of my wine, leaning back. "Kellorin, tell your men the plan and assign generals to report back to me of each patrol and to Thranduil"

"Yes my queen." Kellorin bows before leaving the table and gathering his men to tell them the plan.

"I think I am going to take a walk in the gardens. Thranduil, will you accompany me?" I ask the kings who looks like he is over drinking the wine.

"I would be delighted to." He accepts. We both get up and excuse ourselves before heading to the gardens.

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