Chapter 14 - Unexpected Pt 1

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"What clothes should I bring?" I ask myself aloud as I look through my closet of dresses. How long should I stay there? Maybe a few days.

"Maybe you should bring this" One of my maids say as she holds up a green and gold dress.

"I'll bring that one, but I think I need more just in case" I pick out a golden looking dress and a silvery looking dress.

"That silvery one looks beautiful my queen" She gushes, taking it from me and folding it into my bag.

"Thank you, you may leave now. Get Kellorin in here so I can give him the orders" She bows and moves out of my room. I collapse onto my bed, letting out a sigh. I am getting too worked up over nothing. It's just Thranduil. Just Thranduil. It's not just Thranduil. He is King Thranduil, he is my Thranduil. That's if he still wants me.

I hear a knock on the door and I sit up. "Come in"

Kellorin walks in and bows. "You called my queen?"

"Yes, I have a command to give you. You need to watch over the kingdom whilst I'm gone. I don't know how long I will be gone for but I trust you will be fine with that?"

"Yes my queen, it would be an honour" He gives me a smile.

"Thank you, you have been a loyal friend. Oh, are the horses ready?"

"Yes they are. Would you like me to escort you out?" He offers.

"That would be nice thank you" He bows and takes my luggage, walking out with me towards the city entrance.

Reaching the entrance, he straps the bags on one of the horses and a few soldiers mount their horses. I jump up onto my horse and look down at Kellorin. "If anything happens while I'm gone, inform me as soon as possible"

"Don't worry my queen. Enjoy yourself over there" I smile at him.

"Thank you" He nods and I begin my ride to the Woodland Realm.


By the time we reach the borders, it is almost nightfall. We dismount our horses and await Legolas and his group. The soldiers I came with sat down on the ground, leaning against the trees. I tend to the horses, feeding them apples and brushing their manes.

"Miriel!" I turn around to see Legolas putting his bow away and wrap his arms around me in a warm hug. "It's so good to see you again. I'm glad you could make it. Ada would be very happy to see you tomorrow"

"It's good to see you too Legolas" I see the red headed elf in the group of soldiers and I remember her from that time she pointed an arrow at Thranduil. I walk over to her and the soldiers move back. "I remember you but I don't think we have been introduced properly"

"I am Tauriel my queen, Former captain of the guard" She bows respectfully. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Rise, you may call me Miriel. Any friend of Legolas' is a friend of mine. Now Legolas" I turn to him and he look at me. "How are we going to get in without him noticing?"

"I will show you. Come along. Let your horses go, they cannot go into the forest. Even though the darkness has lifted from our forest, it is hard for them to run through"

I gesture for my guards to take off our baggage and release the horses. They all run off in the direction of the kingdom. Legolas then walks beside me as we enter the forest.

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