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My name is Miriel Estelmist and I am forever alone. My first name means jewel and my last name means lost hope. I am from an Elven Kingdom called High Heaven, or Menel in elvish. It is a peaceful kingdom like Rivendell and Lothlórien but we elves are as vicious and strong as the Mirkwood elves. We are one of the highest and strongest kingdom out of the Elven realms. This is my story.

My parents were the King and Queen of Menel. My mother was daughter of the Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn of Lothlórien. Whilst my father is from Mirkwood though he never told me of his heritage. But I know that my father was a very good friend on the King of Mirkwood, Oropher. They were childhood best friends until my father met my mother on a trip to Lothlórien. After they got married, there was a war between orcs and elves called the Battle of the Lost Kingdom. The lost kingdom was built thousands of years ago by the Valar who built is for the elves to stay. But all moved out when orcs invaded, causing the orcs to claim the kingdom as theirs. But the war was won by the elves and my mother and father claimed it as an elven kingdom again and began to rebuild it along with the other elves from the other realms. After a while, it was finally built and elves began to see my parents as the king and queen of the realm. That was when they renamed the realm as Menel, High Heaven as it was a place of peace again and was one of the first kingdoms created by the Valar. Many years later, I was born. They called me Miriel because I was their only child, I was the jewel of the kingdom as I seemed to brighten up the kingdom. But that light I had died when that one fateful day started which led to many dark days following.

I was around the age of 4 when I had a nightmare one night. I ran as fast as I could to my parent's room but to hear something else. I heard shouting, screaming, crying. I opened the door so they couldn't hear me and I saw them fighting. I didn't know what they were fighting about but every time they were in private from that day, they would be not stop arguing and fighting. But they would always come out of their room like nothing happened in there.

I was now the age of 11 when I went to visit them. I opened the door just in time to see my father hit my mother. Hard. She fell to the floor, crying and my father looking down at her in anger. I shout out to my mother and run towards her whilst my father looks shocked to see me. I remember shouting at him, telling him he is a monster and that he should never hit a woman, he should never hit mother.

My mother made the decision to move out of the kingdom for a while and I followed her. I didn't want to be stuck with a monster like him. We announced it to the kingdom that we were leaving for a while but with no reason. I remember rumors going around saying that they king and queen got into a fight, others say that the king didn't like having the princess and wanted a prince instead.

We moved to Greenwood for a while with King Oropher and Prince Thranduil. My mother told the king of our problem and he let us stay for however long we wanted to. The Prince and I became close friends after a while. Well it was after I hid from him numerous times and the fact that he was 50 years older than me. We stayed with them for 20 years and then we left for home. My mother and father forgave each other for what they were fighting about but that didn't last long. I still didn't forgive my father no matter what he did.

When I was the age of 32 in human years when the orcs invaded. It was the middle of the night, they came out of nowhere, killing all in their path. Our men got ready, we won but we lost many. Including our King. I will never forget that night when it all happened. My mother died of a broken heart as she tried to hang on for me but wasn't able to. I will kill every orc that would cross my path or my kingdom. No mercy. I forgave my father the day he died. I forbid the whole kingdom to talk about my parents or that day. That day when my parents died and the day I became the queen.

I am Queen Miriel Estelmist of Menel, the High Heavens and I am and will be forever alone.

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