Inattention on Xefef's agenda

Start from the beginning

"Stop your incessant rambling! Have you not been attending this meeting every morning for more than two-hundred years? Should you not know how this works by now!"

The truth was he knew more than that. Like the fact that mocking, was the man-beard's release valve. Giving the Dwarf an opportunity to get the quiver out of his fuzz, would save some poor sorcling a lot of suffering later in the day.

"I will have you know it has been two-hundred and thirty-eight years since I last missed a morning meeting. Also, I chaired the committee that decided--" He was prepared to go on for a while, but as expected he was interrupted.

"Enough! We all know how you like to babble, but some of us have work to do! Since you cannot answer a simple here, I call this meeting of the council adjourned. All discussions are tabled until tomorrow!"

Ending the meeting like it was a punishment was just the thing to get his beard twitch down to background levels of rage. The Loitar head was quickest away. Since Zhetoniss had that Áettar walk, he almost floated. In his diminished state, Lyeasrakardsul admired his colleagues waist long hair. How it always wafted around him like he was walking in a stiff headwind was nothing short of a marvel. Next up was Noertdel, the Macbiar head huffed and puffed his way out of his seat. The man was out of breath from the process of standing up. He shifted the thick glasses on his nose, making sure he was heading for the right door.

The individual exits are meant to limit contact, but it's more than that, separate and unequal, that's the Xefef creed, his scepticism thought.

Remembering the something on his agenda, he stood too quickly and wrenched his back again. It had never healed properly. He asked Noertdel for something to soothe the pain, but had instead gotten a lecture, and a happiness-concoction.

Which I don't need! I'm in pain, I'm not sad!

How would you know the difference, his shrivelled emotional capacity wondered.

Hobbling away, he overheard Drik's quarry of a voice, trying to whisper to the black beard. The amount of control the Dwarf had over the Troll was worrying. On another day he would have hung around on some pretence or other, while poking his big nose into their business.

"The only reason that clump became headmaster, was because his granite was already the right colour! No need to paint him red before meetings! But at least he covers up with a loincloth. Trolls may not have literal sexes, but that is no excuse for nudity," he said crossing to the Archives.

Pondering his way through his barren office, he came into the corridor. The arched main passage was open to both levels, and the upper corridor circled a banister with a view to the lower level. Even though his office was right by the upstairs staircase. He had to go all the way to the other end of the building, to be allowed to go down. On the downstairs staircase. Not that he minded really, the place was like a giant library. A Dalmicir practitioners playground, the walls were lined with with shelves of dark wood.

However, since he was heading to the Knomes, instead of his usual attempt at strutting, he stalked along the bookcases like a sorcling out of class without permission. Exiting the main entrance, he scurried down the stairs and slipped into the shadows. The spot was his favourite for long pipe-breaks.

"Best of all, since I took over we can smoke inside too, so most don't bother coming outside." He put away the calabash pipe that had appeared in his hand.

Doing magick even right outside the college wasn't allowed. Nonetheless, he changed the colour of his robe from dark purple to the forest-green of the Loitar school. At the last moment he remembered to remove his hat. Instead, lifting the hood on the robe. A natural look preferred by many from that school.

As quietly as he could, so quite loud, he walked to the closest intersection of the cobbled main street. He looked both ways for Troll patrols, or 'The Rocks' as they were called behind their red-painted backs. Seeing no one, he glanced longingly at the bricked up Dalmicir gate. Then went the other way, towards the red.

Passing the great garden, he stopped and pretended to study the stupid plants. The tree-fondler's recreational area was full of green, smelly things. The gardens looked peaceful from the outside, but he avoided getting too close to the greenhouses and the sentient jungle. Somewhere in there, they kept the abominations. Failed experiments. In his green robes, no one cared that he was hanging around the edge of the gardens. And he took his time waiting for a crowd, less chance of being spotted passing through the city-wall.

"Wall," a quiet 'pfft' passed his lips. "Bloody stupid Pedran built it with the battlements facing in-wards, and those gates wouldn't protect against anything but magick!"

Never mind the wall! We'll die of shame if we're caught going to see the Knomes, his inner sorcerer thought. They will start calling us Lyeasrakardsul the Knome abuser!

A group of servants pulling heavy carts came by, and he took his chance and followed. But with the first step under the high vaulted gate, a strong feeling of being watched sent him speed-walking all the way back to the archives.

You're a coward! The bully in him thought.

"I tried, alright? That will have to count as my something for today."

Updated: 04.11.2023

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