Like selling books to a drowning man

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A week after Charlie's meeting with Bres, Earl spent the morning watching what was becoming HC's books. The new shop on the south-west corner was kinda open. On a crooked pole, a barely readable shingle swung from one of the porch studs. The green ink said only HC's. The bookstore was with out a doubt the only one of its kind in Agalaland. Except for Ms Skvosip's fancy stone mansion, it was also the only front on the square that wasn't even a little whitewashed.

"He couldn't even afford a shingle big enough for his name!" Earl was in Bern's complaining to Fannie, a new wrinkle to their banter. She only grunted in reply, not a sound of approval.

"What kind of fool thinks a bookstore in Stagna is a good idea? It'll be like selling books to a drowning man!"

Even with Earls scorn, this Herschel character was now turning his sentence of community service into a business. Even stranger considering he had no books to sell. But since Fannie wasn't talking, Earl wasn't clear on what they were selling. He could've asked Charlene but that would be like admitting he was curious.

Still, people'd been going in an out of the place even before it opened. And HC's had sprouted much quicker than anyone expected. They'd even had volunteers.

"Ya know, no one helped me spruce up the jail when I first became marshal?"

"Maybe they didna like ya as much as ya thought they did?"

Fannie was more than normally savage in her put downs this morning, but he couldn't help moaning at her. Because HC's was turning into more than this supposed bookstore. It was becoming a home. With Charlene as a permanent house-guest.

When his daughter first showed him the inside, it was nothing but an old carpeted staircase and bare studs. But before long, the first floor was covered in shelves. Except for the kitchen and a nook with a desk by the door. Herschel explained that the shelves were for keeping books on, hence book... shelves. Earl'd told him it was a waste of space since there weren't any books.

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