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"And there's me, with an aching heart, thinking that maybe we are supposed to put each other back together again..."

Lament, lament,
Oh, confused heart of mine.
What is it that you want?
Will I ever know? In time
You'll tell me,
I pray it not be too late,
Aching heart, aching heart,
Fret not, breaking heart.

Six moons.
All six spent in adoration
Of your hazel eyes and
That jesting, rich regional accent.
For God's sake, listen to me not when I tell you to go.

We have
A past that I shall never,
Ever regret.
Stay, stay with me,
For God's sake, stay with me.

You're such a joy,
And my heart,
My aching, confused heart,
Is beyond grateful for you.

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