You're Asking The Impossible Of Me

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Yes okay, I know, change is not impossible and is in fact inevitable. However, you must understand that the change you're asking of me is drastic, and in great contrast to what I just said, impossible.

Imagine a wild stallion. Even captured, he will still retain his natural wild spirit. He is not broken, merely just physically exhausted from the struggle of being captured. Once he's recuperated, you'll try to break him in and train him into the orderly ways of horseback riding. Majestic and regal, that stallion will continue to buck, rear, whinny and gallop until he is again exhausted. He'll parade, chest puffed out, until another human dares take his back. He knows he is free, heart and spirit, and he'll keep fighting until he is once again physically free. He will take no human upon his back, and he will not accept a forced change to his spirit. For the force of the universe, of all the stars and the planets, he will not submit to the will of man. 

That same attitude lies in me, for the force of life itself resides in my soul, and I will not change my spirit. I will change for no man.

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