A Passion for the Rails

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Okay, to the average person, rail enthusiasm may seem very odd indeed. What on Earth is there to be enthusiastic about concerning trains?

Personally, it all kicked off when I met my boyfriend. Being the accepting person that I am, I tagged along and took in his every word when he'd speak about trains, and go train-spotting. From Class 377 'Electrostar's, to Class 68 engines and this game we call Train Sim, I took it all in and found my self developing an enthusiasm for rail travel and the local traction, the Class 444/450 'Desiro's.
Ahh, wait. I got it wrong. That's not right!

I  remember developing that passion earlier than I had previously realised. Before Oliver really taught me the ropes, or rails. 

Picture this - nervous me at my local railway station, stuttering as I asked a member of South West Trains staff when the next train to Guildford was while purchasing my ticket. I must of looked a complete fool, and I suppose I was in a way. A very inexperienced fool. This was to be my first independent rail journey, which is laughable seeing as I was 16 at the time. It was also my first day at college, and boy was I a nervous wreck. Two new things in one day; quite the stretch for 16-year-old Georgia Brown. 

I went on my way through the ticket gates, and even was anxious about this! I thought they were going to shut on me or something, which I now know to be a silly thought. I made it past this obstacle, and onto Platform 3. Here again I asked the Commercial Guard on the platform if the train was going to Guildford, and indeed it was. There was a faster service on the way, but I wasn't really feeling up for that. I was scared I'd miss my stop!

Before I asked the Guard this question, however, came this moment of awe. For whatever reason, I was stood by the front of the train on the platform, and I took a glance at her. Yes, trains can be referred to as 'her' or 'she', which is especially the case when talking about steam locomotives. I looked at her bright colours; I remember it so well. The front of the driving car, decorated in her Class 450 South Western livery. A beautiful swish of yellow, red and orange adorning her forwards motion. I felt in awe of this machine quite suddenly, even feeling as nervous as I was at that time. My first South Western Class 450 Desiro... Oh, now I wish I took note of her unit number. I would have loved to remember the exact train that sparked the beginning of my belonging to the rail enthusiast community.

Yes, I knew Oliver at this time. We were fond of each other, and I knew he was a rail enthusiast, but at that point I don't think I was paying special attention to it. We hadn't even met. So that does it for those people who have ever said I fell in love with trains through falling in love with Oliver. "Oh, she only like trains because her boyfriend does. She's not really an enthusiast." They're nowhere near correct. 

I am a rail enthusiast, and you know what? I've found a community to belong to, and I'm proud of that. After 18 years of life, and much time spent feeling like I don't fit in, I found the puzzle I fit into. 

I am a rail enthusiast. I've found my passion. 

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