Vision 25

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Everything happened in a blur. My father called the guards however they were bothered by the amount of unclaimed vampires in the hall. My sisters were at my side and mother in front of me. I saw the trees growing inside and knew Avett had used his power. I couldn't control mine not to harm my family so I was useless.
"Mother get Claus and Gianni out of here! I am going to get sienna and Selina out."

"Dear stick together, we can't afford to lose anyone else."

"Mother we have our powers to throw them off. We can handle this." Lying as she knew she didn't fight me. She knew the boys were too young to defend themselves.

"Stay close and safe. Don't leave your sister."

She left with speed I had no idea she could accomplish. I need to ask her where she learned that.

I focused on a way out and only find one way. Through Matteo and Avett fighting each other. I couldn't let the girl fall to his evil tricks.

"Okay, so I'm going to need you girls to use your powers on me. I will lose control if you don't. I'll clear a way out but make sure Avett and father are not affected or you both for that matter."

"Claire, are you sure. You.."

"Yes now lets go before we are attacked."
We ran towards the doors and I looked at all the one that will be affected. I thought of black and cold. I made them think of falling into a pit of nothing with dagger flying through them. My mind went to all the nightmares I could remember and the torture they put me through. I saw them falling to the floor. We ran past Avett and father.

I'll get the girl out of here! Mother is already on her way to he hid away.

Please be safe and watch your back.

We ran as fast as we could until three dark skinned vampires with red eyes stoped us.
"Girls, run to the other end and hid in the maids wall. I've got them."

"No! We are not leaving you."

"No more, go!" They ran as told and I turned my attention to this new soldiers of death.

"Claire, it's been a long time. Don't you remember us? We killed so many together. The taste of blood was your favorite."

"I'm sorry, it seems like my mind closed that part up." I lunged towards the one on the left while using my mind to make the other two freeze. I wanted to rip something and it was him. I grab his arm and bit him until I pulled and heard the pop. I knew I dislocated his and ripped it off from his body. The other two were already feeling the affects of being frozen to death. I was able to put him through the same thing until he said something that made me stop everything.

"Je ne regrette rien"  I stopped and it was like my body knew what he meant.
I felt a hand come from behind me and then blacked out.

I woke up in a room that was dark and cold. No light anywhere not even down the hall. I was in a cell.
"Hello?" Not sure what I was hoping to get out of that. I guess waiting was all that I could do. Thankfully I still had my dress on to keep me warm.

It must have been hours, I woke up to a door opening and shuffling. Still no light I heard grunting and a cell opening. Once they left I crawled to my door and called out.

"Hello?! Who's there!"

"Claire! My love is that you!"

"Avett!!! How did you get taken! And why?"

"My love please tell me your not hurt. I've been poisons and my senses are down. I can't remember how I was taken."

"I'm okay, I don't seem to be hurt. What happened! What cause is us to be caught?"
"I'm not sure my love. But right now I need sleep if I'm going to get us out of here."
"Avett! How badly are you hurt!?" I smelled his blood now that I was focused on his body. He was bleeding more as time passed. He never answered and I knew he knocked out.

Sitting on the floor next to his wall. I cried, I cried until finally someone opened the door again. This time they walked to my cell. They opened it and dragged me out. I knew not to fight them because they hand poisoned me again. It all felt familiar now. I was lead into a room with candlelight. They strapped me to the chair like before.

"Well sister, seems like old times again. I will have fun torture you and your new husband." He came into the light and I saw he had a knife in his hand. He walked towards me and bend down towards me face.
"You dear sister will be forced to kill him."

"NOOOOO!" I cried and tried to lash out at him. The sliver chains were sinking into my skin cutting me. I wasn't healing because of the poison.

"Oh yes, its the only way to get you back on our side."  He pulled the knife towards my chest. He started to trail my heart down to my stomach.

"I was lucky that time to kill that child. It would have gotten in the way of our plans. Maybe I should make it so you can never have anymore."

"No! Please no. Don't take that away from me." I started crying and couldn't contain myself. I felt the knife dig throw the dress and he was starting to get to my skin. He stopped and looked me in the eyes.

"You will feel pain. All the pain you placed me in when you were born."

"What did I do! You can have the title. I don't care. Just leave us alone."

"Oh I'm sorry but father already promised you his kingdom. You see I killed my mate and had no idea until they told me."

I couldn't answer. I was lost in my mind. He walked away leaving the knife where it was. He picked up something else and knew it was another weapon. He came back towards me and I saw what he had. A bucket in one hand and spikes on the other.

"Now this might hurt. But I don't care."

I was thrown back into my cell. I couldn't move or use my voice. I am broken.

"Claire! Claire please answer me! What did he do!"

I lied there crying. I almost lost the chance to have more children. Who's to say he won't finish the job.

"Claire my love please answer me." I couldn't face him. He smelled my blood and knew I was still bleeding. It enraged him. I felt it started to come through. I've lost so much blood and passed out.

I woke up to more noise. My cell was opened again and I was dragged out.

"Leave her alone! Take me instead!"
No matter what he said they won't listen. I was to be his torture until it killed him. I heard him sobbing before they closed the door. Again I was sitting at the same chair in the same room. Matteo was extra excited to start today's lesson.

"I have news for you. Our leader is coming to see you! We have to make sure you are ready for him."
He picked up another weapon. This one was long and thin. He walked over to me and started to poke around my arms making me bleed through tiny wholes. He traveled down to my legs. I was now bleeding all over my wedding dress that had old blood stains.

"Matteo, I think you will kill her before we need her."
A dark deep voice came from one corner. He never walked to the light and I never could see him.
"Master, I'm just having fun. I won't kill her unless you want me too."

"She's our best weapon, lets just draw her out."
I felt chilled coming down my my neck.

"You are mated now. That's a problem. We can't have him in the way." He was by my neck.

"No, please! I'll do anything but don't kill Avett!"

"Avett is his name. Well my lovely Claire, are you willing to kill for us again."


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