Vision 3

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Hi guys! Thank you for reading my story. Just a heads up, I am not a good with English grammar as it is my second language. So if you start to add comments about it please know that it still hard for me to understand fully.

"She cannot change back! We finally are able to take that part away from her and give her a healthy life! Elijah you don't know what she did. She almost turned! Her eyes were red with lust!" I hard Ellis say in my dreams. 

"Ellis I know how much you care for her, however, the leaders are the ones that say it's not worth protecting. She already caused so much blood for this family." Elijah yelled that last part. I heard something fall with crushing force.

"So you're saying we just hand her over to those monsters and let them attack us with her powers!" Ellis was heated. When I finally realized that it not my dreams that they were fighting, just right outside my bedroom door.

My bedroom. How did I managed to get here. I slowly recalled what had happened down in the kitchen. With a jump up from the bed I looked at my arm and thigh. But see nothing, no bullet opening, stab wound or scratches from running. How is this possible, I knew I was stabbed and shot at? 

A knock at the door only made me jump. I was in my house clothes but something about having my brothers see me in them made me hide. Hide away from the world and never open that door. 

"Claire are you up?" The question was laced with hesitation and fear from Elijah. 

"Y..yes brothers." Hesitation was all I could return. They both entered with slow steps, afraid of something. I could almost taste their fear.

"Claire, how much do you remember?" Elijah asked as Ellis was walking in from behind. 

Flashes of memories came flooding back. Tears welled up and fighting them back was hard.

"Everything Elijah, the blast, the blood, the two men. I remember everything." I said the last part while tears ran down. Ellis came to my side and started to hold me. He's never touched me before. 

"Claire it will be fine. The city guards came and did a sweep they are gone." Ellis places his hand under my chin to raise and meet my eyes with his.
I nodded, because the next thing I would have said would have been a sob. Not understanding what he wanted me to do so I agreed. It was all I could do the rest of the day. 

The next few day past as I recovered and my brothers had told me that the city was sealed off for the time being. I walked into the large ballroom just like Elijah told me to when I was ready for lesson. I opened the larger dark blue doors to see my brother facing each other with knives in the hands. Training, they called this training! With real knives! I turned my heel to leave when Elijah called out. " Claire come join us, we are just beginning." Walking up to my brothers and taking in their outfits was the only thing I could see. Tight pants and a tight white shirt long sleeves to cover every part of the body. The material looked like leather or something strong you can't cut through I wanted to test it under my nails.

"Claire, we are going to teach you to defend and fight for yourself" Ellis said while giving me a hug. It startled me. No man was allowed to hug me it was law until I was married off. 

"Ellis, Elijah why is this happening. Why did you say I was turning? What did you mean?" I asked both of them. Waiting for an answer and it came from Elijah first.

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