Vision 12

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Rated R Please be of Age! 

We started to kiss faster. I didn't understand the full extent of the ceremony. But this part I loved. Since I had already been naked from draining blood it was my turn to get him naked. Slowly we made our way to the bathroom. Okay, I can see why. Lots of blood easier to clean. 

"Avett I love you." Saying it out loud and to myself felt right. I did love him. He was everything and it was strong. 

"Claire, you are the only one I could ever love." He bit me on my shoulders sucking on blood that I almost thought I didn't have. I pulled off his shirt and bit into his collar area. He moves towards my neck and bit me again. I licked his bit mark and went up towards his neck. My hands started to trace his pants and wanted to pull them off. Then he bit me again on my shoulder. 

"Avett.. please." I begged for more, I begged for his pants to come off. But he was focused on my blood. So I ripped his pants so they would just fall off. He got the message finally. He pulled them off and now we stood in my bathroom naked and covered in blood.
He looked at my body and could see every vein, every single blood vessel. He eyes were clouded with lust. 

"Claire, more pain and pleasure will come. Are you okay?" I nodded yes and he was already holding me and taking another bite. This time on my left breast. So much blood was flowing through. I couldn't help myself, I reached down and pulled him up. He was angry that I did that because the next thing I noticed I was turned around and he was touching my clit making me wet at his touch. Stroking me back and forth. I let out a moan only to earn another fast movement. I could see him in the mirror his eyes were red and he was watching my every move. For once I was glad my legs were long. Bending over the vanity made it easy access for him. He leaned down and bit my shoulder again. He didn't stop stroking me or sucking. I was in limbo, nor pain or pleasure. He had total control of every inch of me. 

He moved his finger up and down when he was using another to enter me. Now he set a pace slow and steady. He pulled his fangs off me and went to my other side. He started to drink there. I felt cheated a little I wanted to taste him. He must have known because he flipped me again and made me kneel. I realized why and took his penis in my mouth. Coating it with my tongue and sucking hard. He loved it, it made his blood boil. I took my hand and start to stroke the part that didn't fit. Then realized he's thigh was thick and I wanted a bite. I continue to stroke him fast and lean down to bit into his thigh. He flinched and it made me more exciting to keep going. It felt like forever but it must have only been five minutes. I wasn't done and neither was he. We traveled to the bathtub and started to run the water. We weren't cold but the blood had been all over us. 

"Claire it's going to be painful now." He said it but I didn't care.
He bit right into the thick vein on my neck. I screamed at the pain! He wasn't kidding. He places a hand over my mouth to muffle the scream. Tears were falling down and I couldn't stop him. He was locked in. I just held him tight. Then I felt him inside me. He finally opened up.
Claire, you need to bite me now. We need to finish this quickly. You won't be able to stand the pain much longer.

How do you know.....

It was quiet and so I did want he asked. I bite right into the thick vain and started to work my way in. I drank and drank. I was becoming full, full of his every need and desire. Then I felt it, a calming feeling. We reached the end of the blood exchange but we were not done. 

"Claire I need to take you now. It will be strong and you need to let me know if you can't." I kissed him reassuring him it will be fine.
He lifts me up from the tub and placed me on the floor. He grabbed a pouch of blood and drank from it. He then handed it to me to finish off. Once I throw it to the side he started stroking me. I arched my back off the floor. He knew I was ready he smiled at the wetness I had for him. He places the tip of his penis at my opening and pushed hard into me. My vision was blurry and stars were everywhere. He didn't stop the torture or pleasure.

 "Claire look at me!" He is deep with the power over me. Looking at him in the eyes he says everything my pain, my pleasure, my bloodlust, my happiness, and my fears. 

I started to rise to him, the feeling of his rise was strong. It was almost time. I steady myself on the floor and he did too. With just a few more powerful thrust he came. He came all around me. I felt it in within every cell I had in me. I let go with him. He places his head near my neck and bit me again. This time he was not going to stop until we passed out. I knew it. 

I did the same. It tasted so sweet, he was all around me. 

An hour must have passed but I still was able to sit up. I felt drained of all my blood. Thankful Matteo was able to get us a lot of blood. We laid on the bathroom floor just spent. He was drifting to sleep and I was wide awake. All that sleeping was enough for me. I left his side to look at myself again. This time I noticed a marking by my neck where he bit me. It was our mark. Looking down at his naked body I saw it there the one I left him. 

My body was completely changed. I was toned in areas I wasn't. My eyes were a deep blue now. My hair grew longer. It was a miracle that I didn't look like skin and bones. The exchange of blood between us was a lot. I reached down and gave him a kiss. I needed to find more food for us to eat later. No point in waking him up. I cleaned up as fast and quietly as possible. Seems like Avett was more out of it then I thought.

I went through all my clothes and tried to find something less silky. Seems like my mother only wanted silk for us all. So I put on a dress and headed to the door. I opened it slowly because the guard was there. But I saw no one. Strange. I walked down the hall and saw one then two then three guards. I felt a little safe. I walked up to one and asked for the kitchen. Instead of pointing he lead the way. I follow and so did many other guards. Oh well, I deserved it. 

Once we made it to the kitchen I saw the cooks and maids. All of them stopped what they were doing and bowed. The sighting I waved it off and made sure they knew it was fine with a simple hello. 

"Can I please have food to last a day sent to my room." I wasn't sure if they understood but the head chief answered 

"We are already planning your meals now your highness. They will be sent shortly. Please return to your room." 

"Well, that was fast. Can I have a snack to hold me off? I'm... really hungry." As soon as I said it one of the maids came to my side and handed me a plate of different cuts of meat.
"Here dear, this should hold you and your mate." She winked. I totally forgot I am drenched in his sent. I blush and took that plate. Bowing at them I left in a hurry. The guards were close behind me. 

I rushed back to my room when I heard mother. 

"Claire! Why you..oh!" She saw my plate and smelled me. It was all over me and no use hiding it. 

"I was just getting some food. Umm... we... I.."

"Sweetie, I'm just glad you are better and finally mated. I'll let your father know and we won't bother you until you are settled." She left towards her room and it almost seemed like she skipped. Rushing back to the room I closed the door and let out a sigh. No more meeting my family, it was way too awkward.

"Now, I could get used to you bring me food. But maybe if you were naked." Avett was on the bed trying to clean up some mess and was still naked. Ahh! I screamed in my head. He startled me and was not happy about it. He came at my side and took a slice of meat off the plate. Offered it to me first which I took gladly. Thus, the lust in his eyes said other things were about to happen with the meat.

Whispering SnowNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ