Vision 16

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"Honey? What is wrong? Why did you call for me?" She came in a light jog towards me. She cupped my face and checked all over my body for signs. Claus was with her, he must have been having his lesson or something. Feedings...

"Mother, I vomited blood and my whole body was in pain. I couldn't move from the floor for almost an hour." I signed this was getting old. I wish my life was normal. I wish I was back with my brother living a normal life away from all this fighting. 

"Oh! honey." She hugged me and tears were falling on her cheeks.

"Mother, I'm not dying am I?"

"No! you are far from it. You, my darling...."

She started and looked at my eyes. Nodding in approval.

"You, sweet thing, are Pregnant!!"

"IM WHAT!" I stood up from my chair knocking it down and realized Claus was scared. I pulled him up to me and whispered my apologies.

"Mother, how...well I mean now? I didn't think I would not this early. Is there like some time period I should be aware of?"

"Well, with everything that's been happening I'm surprised your body even allowed it. You have lost a lot of blood in that attack and we all thought you would be sleeping some more. Avett was worried sick, he wouldn't eat a thing until you father forced him. Our body gives off a scent when we are ready. I never smelled it on you..."

"So what do I do now!?"

"Well, I will teach you. But, you have to let Avett know. He will be shocked and there will some more blood at random times of the day. You will not be able to fight. No matter how strong our bodies are when we are pregnant we still have to think about our children."

"That will be easier said than done. I still have to control my anger. What being with Avett?"

"About about being with him" Father was standing at the door looking at us. He then saw my eye and look at my mother. There were some unspoken words when he came to my side. He kneeled down and took my hand.

"Are you really..?"

"Pregnant? By what mother tells me."I shugged my shoulder brushing it off. Not really registering all of this. 

A platter of meats fell on the floor, we all looked and saw Avett with Matteo. Avett had his mouth open and Matteo was the one that dropped the platter. Father was laughing and lifted me up and swung me around.

"I'm going to be a grandfather!!!"

"ahumm... Dear. We should leave. They have a lot... Lots to discuss."

Mother was pulling on his arm and he was not ready to leave me. He gave me one look up and down and then looked at Avett.

"Matteo get more meat for her." He ordered my brother who was looking at me shocked still.

Mother finally pulled father out of the room... The guards left us alone but left the door slightly opened. Avett was watching me, his eyes were dark with lust. Or it might have been my imagination. He still didn't move from the door. It was strange Avett wasn't inside my mind. Nothing felt right. I felt sick again.. this time I knew it was my little bud that was growing. I ran to the bathroom sink and throw up. I couldn't stop. Avett was at my side pulling my hair out of the way. He was gentle with me but still didn't speak. I looked up at him after I had a break between my fits. No expression, No words, he was stone in front of me.

"Avett, please say something." Pleading with him trying to pull him out of that trance.

The pain then started and I fell to the ground. He finally snapped out of it and held me tight. Sweat was covering my body and all I could do was wait.

"Shh.. it will pass." He was so gentle with me. I was focusing on his touch. Trying to see out of the pain.

"Claire, can you feel me at all?"

"No, is it because I'm pregnant?"

"No, I should have been able to tell the same time you found out. Something must have happened when we were attacked."

"ahh.. so the poison made this happened. Can we just fix it like another mating.."

"No Claire, now that you are pregnant we... I can not take much blood from you."

"Avett, how long have I've been sleep? And what were you doing with father?" He must have been glad I couldn't feel him now.

"I think we should get you in bed and feed. You need to rest. The next month or so will be all bed rest."

Thank goodness I didn't have to move, I was still in pain. He placed me in our bed. He walked to the door and got a platter of food. There were more selections.

"Avett, why are you short with me?"I surprised him with my question. He ignored it

"Eat, I need to get some work done. I'll stay with you until you sleep."

I did what he asked. I was feeling sad and lonely without feeling him around me. He knew something I didn't. I hate that my memories are locked away in some part of my mind. I ate my food, a little too fast and messy. Thankfully there were napkins for me to wipe myself. I started to read more of that book about our family. I learned about my father's father and his father before him. His bloodline came from the first family of vampires. My mother's line was somewhere detached from his. She still had their blood flowing in her though. I wonder if that means they inbred somehow... Nope, not going down that line.

I had enough reading; I didn't feel much pain anymore. I needed air, I start to get up from the bed when he came to my side to help me. I am not a helpless creature I thought. I took and walked to the balcony. Sitting at our little table I looked out to the forest. There was something off. It seemed like smoke was coming from the distance. It was so far it could have been the clouds forming for a storm. I ignored it. Just looking out was enough to clear my head. Another wave of sickness came again. So I ran to the bathroom and continued my new daily routine. Great, this is not how I imagined my year with Avett would be like. He was at my side again and when I finished he quickly picked me up and lay me in bed. Waiting for the pain to return he held me.

"I'm sorry Claire. I did not want this to happen so soon. We are not ready to handle this on top of everything else. I'm So Sorry!"

I felt tears coming down his cheek. I knew what he meant; it was a lot of pain for me to experience all at once. From the mating Ceremony to me having uncontrolled rage and the bond is strong, now being pregnant I felt like life was throwing everything at once. Making it hard to be happy.

"Sweetie, I...AHH" The pain started. It was spontaneous this time. It lasted longer too. I think almost two hour now. They were getting longer and so was the blood. I have to ask mother if that was normal.

"Claire sleep, please. I'll have more food when you wake up. Your body is changing again. Rest so you can walk around the garden later."

He said the words almost too quickly for me to register. I was already falling asleep. My body was tried. Tried from the fighting, tired from the change, tried from the mating, tired from the sex, and I needed time to heal.

I slowly drefting to sleep hoping my body would stay this way until I gave birth. Hopefull. 

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