Vision 5

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"Claire, wake my princess. We are finally home." He whispered into my ear and slowly woke me up from my nap. He insisted that I sleep a bit so I could take in the welcomes.

"Na... Avett..." sleep talking I think. Or was it that I didn't want to leave him.
He kissed the top of my head waking me up.
I looked up at him with blurry eyes. He then kissed me! Yes, he kissed me and not just any type of kiss. He bit his lip so there was some blood. It coated my tongue and sent shivers down my spine. It was refreshing and light similar to a drink of water. As I drank in so more I finally realized what I was doing. I pulled away fast and turned away from him.

"Claire you have my heart and soul it's only natural for you to take my blood as well." He whispered to me.

"I....I'm not used to this. Or I don't remember doing this." I admitted.

"I understand." He let me go so I was standing finally. But never let my hand go. We have not been apart since the clearing.

I looked up at this huge castle, it was bigger than the city center! So amazed by it I didn't realize that there were people standing at the gate. About five of them, one had a weapon at the ready and the others were watching us. One face I made out instantly, My mother.

"She's my mother?" I asked Avett as we approached the group. He nodded his head not saying a word. 

 He was never going to leave me now. The bond was stronger since we have been together and shared our, well, his blood. That was a strange but familiar thought I knew I had missed for a long time.

My mother looked at me with tears flowing down. I knew this was hard for her, it was confusing more for me. The guard with the weapon was ready to take defend or attack me if anything happened. It was the exchange and word they needed.

I noticed that we had the same hair and posture although hers was now turning white as pure as the moon. Avett took my hand again and lead me to the two that had smiles on. The man next to her must be my father he also shared some features I had. 

"Oh, Claire! My beautiful daughter!" The women called out to me. She was tall and had a long silver dress on and her skin was glowing in this light. She was there cupping my face and taking me all in. Then she did something funny, she wrinkled her nose. She smelt my human side and my vampire side intertwined. Avett warned me that they would react this way but I had no idea how that would hurt me.

"Your mother will get you cleaned up and we will all meet in the dining hall." The man next to her said. He didn't look at me much but at Avett more. He was tall and had silver hair. He eyes were gray with a hint of green. He seemed aged with beauty and it all seem to fit. 

"Umm.. can you please tell me your names? I don't remember a lot. Avett said something about my mother but no name." I explained my situation and their face looked torn. Especially mothers face, it was almost ready to burst out crying.

"OH, sweetie! My name should only be 'mother' but if you need to know it's Mariella, and this dear is your father Alessio. We are the king and queen of our clan." She was taller when she explained the last part. Very proud of who they were and wanted to make sure everyone knew it.

"Now come let's get you inside so you can meet the rest of the family." My eyes looked to Avett, he lingered behind almost giving me space. I knew it must have been another reason.

"Avett.. are you not staying with me any longer?" I asked, only to make it aware to everyone that he is my mate but also to indicate that I needed him. 

"His majesty hasn't aloud our bond yet." I knew he was trying to make a point to my father but I needed him with me. It wasn't a question any longer.

"Avett, you have proven your loyalty to our family. However, my little girl finally came home -which I thank you for- and our need to settle her is greater than yours." He said the last part with disgust and it hurt me so much. I didn't think I would say the next part but my mouth had lost control.

"He is my mate father and he was the one that saved me from whatever life I was in! He will be at my side at all times." I looked dead into my father's eyes without even flinching.
What in the world was I doing? I never go against anyone's word let alone a king that is a vampire and could kill me instantly! 

"She takes after you dear." My mother giggled at my father dumbfounded face.
I walked past them and grabbed Avett hand and looked back at my new or old family. Fathers face was stone, my mother was smiling bright and everyone else was in shock.

"Lead the way father." I think I lost control of myself but Avett was holding me tight almost ready to pull me into his arms in case my father was going to lose it or from the statement I just declared. 

"Fine, You can stand outside her door and keep watch while she is cleaned up. Not letting you take the mating ceremony early." Fathers face was hurt and proud of me? Once they turn and started walking we followed in suit.

"You know, you broke about ten laws just now" Avett whispered and I shot him a shocked face! Laws! We have laws to follows, I thought I was free from all the crazy laws back in the city. His grin only made me more embarrassed.

"Please, run that over with me before we see anyone else important." Pleading with a guilty smile. He just winked at me and nodded. I wanted to melt right then at how gorgeous that wink was. I was in trouble with this new emotion and mate stuff. I did learn that when a vampire takes a mate it's forever, forever feeling like this. Killing their mate would then ensure that they would be weak and thus easy to kill. But now I am one... Does that mean the people I  grew up with, befriended and had a conversation with were all against me? I am now the one thing they hated and hunted. Dread filled me.

Walking through the gate only brought that memory again of the city gates. I squeezed Avett' hand and he gave me a confused looked. I didn't know how to tell him I was put in danger from their attacks. It seemed like ages ago when it all happened. I don't know how much I could keep from him. I don't know how much of this new emotion and finding I could keep control. 

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