Vision 9

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Avett took gentle care of me once we finished. He carried me to the bathroom and started the bath water. He placed me inside and the blood started to mix with the soap. He came in behind me to help wash me. Grabbing the wash towel he started to scrub away the rest of the blood. My hair was dark red and I started to wash it giving its light shining gold color back. 

"Claire, the mating ceremony will be more painful. I want you to know that you won't be able to walk for a while." He was gentle with his words but stern. 

"Avett, no matter what happens I already know deep down I cannot live without you. Whatever pain I will experience will be nothing to the pain of losing you." I turned to meet his eyes. He was afraid of something in my words. 

"Claire, you don't remember anything about your kidnapping?" He asked the Question everyone wanted to ask. I shook my head saddened that my memories were blocked in darkness.

"Sorry, not a lot of memories of my past." He nodded and continued working in the soap around my shoulder to my neck where the holes of his teeth are gone.

Once we finished bathing he dressed me in another nightgown and him in a pair of clothes that was hiding in my wardrobe. No doubt Matteo had placed them there sneaking of him but thankful.

He had changed the sheets and left them outside for the maids. Hopefully, no one would smell it. We both lied in bed holding each other. This time I really needed sleep. I drifted into my usual nightmare even within my mates arms it came. 

It was dark and no light was getting in. I was always running, not towards or away from something. I felt the blood early in this dream too early. Now I wonder if it was mine or someone else now that I had more answers. I stopped running and heard my name. "Claire, Claire," I never heard my name before. It was pain that I would be feeling next not my name. I was shaking hard. Waking up Avett was on top of me scared and screaming my name. 

"Claire! Are you okay? You were biting me and then yourself."
I looked all over the bed and sure enough, blood was everywhere. I sat up checking my body but it was too late I was healed. I never went this far, never drew blood. But then my brothers conversation hit me.

"I was having a nightmare. One that I usually have. But I never drew blood before." I was deep in thought. I can't remember anything about this and Ellis knew something that I forgot.

"Go into the bathroom and get cleaned up, your mother will be here soon. I'll explain what happened" he said as I gladed walked to the bathroom.

I cleaned up faster than I should have but I had no time. He placed my clothes on the counter next to my vanity. It was huge and with lots of different bottles with brushes. I remember Sienna using a few on me. I skipped that part of the process only to give myself time to adjust. Having looked in the mirror I saw my eyes were lined with a hint of red. I must have been from the blood this morning. A knock came at my door when I jumped to see my mother was standing by the door. 

"Claire, Avett explained what happens this morning." She obviously knew what we did last night. She picks up a bottle and sprayed it around me. 

"This will help cover that other smell" she said. Giving me a look of understanding. Blushing was an understatement of what awkward and embarrassing encounter I'll face.

"It is that strong?" I asked because I was afraid of what my father will do to Avett. 

"Honey, it's only natural for you both to do what you did. Your bond with each other will only grow stronger. The need for each other also grows." She was helping me with my hair when she noticed something at my neck.

"Sweetie, how long has this mark been there." Pulling the mirror so I can see it was three lines small enough that my hair hides it. Something was tugging at my mind and I wanted to let it open but I was not able too.

Then someone was really tugging at my shirt. I looked down and saw my baby brother Claus. I picked him up and placed him in my lap.
"Sis, why do you smell like Avett. Sometimes mommy has a strong daddy smell too." Blushing I looked at mother and she only blushed too. We were stuck between a rock and a toddler who could easily get anything from us.

"They smell like that because that's how much love they have for their mate." Father walked in and immediately I turned away not to face him.

"Alessio, you're making her uncomfortable." Mother says when he walked towards her giving her a kiss.

"Well, no matter how you hide it it's all over Avett. So no use hiding it." Mother forgot he was covered in my blood as well.

Our lovemaking was out in the open for the whole family to smell. Embarrassed to even step out of the bathroom my twin sister came running in. They stopped halfway and looked at me then to Avett.

"You didn't!" They screamed.

"Now girls, give them some decency." Matteo came in behind them patting Avett on his back. I swear they had a bet going how long we would last. I'm sure Matteo won.

"Okay, I think it's time for training." Father came out holding my mother's hands. I hadn't realized everyone was wearing similar clothing. I guess this was a family session of training.

We walked down the stairs to a courtyard with a huge clearing. Rose bushes all around the walkway. Some lavender on the end of every corner.

"Matteo you partner with Claire. Sienna and Selina train Claus and Gianni. You mother will be counting your attacks. Avett you train with me. If you are going to protect Claire then you start training with myself or Matteo." Everyone looked at Avett and he was mixed with fear and pride. I felt it his every emotion it was flowing through me. His blood was in me stirring up so many different emotion.

He snapped out of it and walked towards my father. I felt his fear but he was trying to hide it.

"You should be looking at your opponent Claire." A hand or fist came at me and I was able to move just slightly to avoid being hit. I smelled blood, He grazed me. He gave me an apologetic look but didn't stop. He wanted me to attack him, my body was saying no like it knew something and it could use it. Out of nowhere, he landed a blow at the back of my head. How he got behind me without noticed was beyond my comprehension.

"Claire, tap into your abilities. You know them well, your body has been using them since you started changing. Take control." He said that and I gave a "what the hell are you talking about" look because I had no idea.

He came at me again, but disappeared and was in front of me throwing me down. He had his arm across my chest and I couldn't move I was pinned down. The I bit into his arm only to spit out his blood. It was bitter and left a disgusting moldy taste, it wasn't right but it was family. I was in a rage, I flung him off me and sharpened my nail. something clicked inside my darkest parts. I ran at him and started to claw at him. He avoided my attack and ther I saw a glimmer of something in the darkness.. Then strong arms were placed around me. 

"Claire, control. Control." I was seeing red everywhere. Then Avett was in front of me. He placed his hands on my face and instantly I was feeling his blood pumping. He was calm, in control, then something I didn't expect.

Claire, can you hear me. Please control this. You are so much stronger.

He was in my head now. He was talking to me. I was shaking, sweating hard and the only thing that was cool was his touch.

Claire, look me in the eye. Listen to my blood.

I tried to steady my breath and listen.

I'm trying. Tell them to leave. I need space. I need to breathe.

Avett gave everyone a strong nod. They started to leave but not far. The arms around me didn't move.

Tell him to let me go! I snarled at Avett in my head. Maybe even out loud.

The arms loosened but didn't fully let go. He was testing me to see if I could handle myself. Finally, he let go and I almost fell to the ground if Avett didn't steady me. His touch was like fire he was burning me. I screamed and he let me go quickly. I fell to the floor holding myself up. I had control of my body now, but my thirst was not satisfied. The smell of blood came to me. I looked up and saw my mother carrying a glass of blood. I reached out and drank hungrily. Once I finished everyone was looking at me except for the one person I needed. He was gone.

Avett was gone. 

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