Chapter 22

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I glared at Christopher as he started stuttering. "I-um, what- why do you- um- shit." Settling on the stupid cuss word, he lowered his head and gestured toward the couch. "Sit down, Justine. I don't know how you're gonna take this."

I slowly obliged and sat down at one of the couches. Christopher sat down across from me and hesitantly took my hands.

"Please don't be mad at me, Justine." He pleaded, looking deep into my eyes. "It's not my fault I promise."

My eyebrow raised in suspicion. "What is it, Chris? Stop stalling." I reprimanded.

He took a deep breath before speaking. "Jennifer came on to me."

I stopped breathing as everything around me went deadly silent. Did he just say what I think he just said? Did he cheat on me?

My hands slowly detangled from his as all of the warmth escaped my face. I went pale.

My face remained as expressionless as can be and my hands started twitching. How on earth had I let this happen? I trusted someone so quickly and getting hurt in the process wasn't apart of the plan.

What's wrong with me? Why aren't I screaming? Why am I not fighting with rage?

All of this I can answer. I've noticed the changes in myself since I first met Chris. How my bruises don't fade as easily as other wolves.

How I easily got pissed off at Elise, causing me to loose my cool that I've tried so hard to hold on to the past 4 years.

How I nearly killed Alpha John.

How my wolf features grew twice their size when I am mad.

And the list goes on.

But why am I not crying? Why am I just sitting here, staring blankly at the new love of my life? I guess this is a question that nobody can answer but myself.

I'm slowly, but surely, turning into a Moon Goddess.

My eyes widen drastically at the sudden realization and Christopher's eyes widen in concern. "Jus, are you okay? Please say something." He pleads, waving his hands in front of my dazed self.

I zeroed in on Christopher's eyes, my breathing starting to become heavy.

Sarah: Calm down, Justine. There's no need to panic.

Boy, how I missed my beloved wolf. The sound of her voice in my head causes me to relax slightly.

Only slightly.

Me: I can't do this, Sarah. I can't be a Moon Goddess. This is too much. Too much,

Sarah: You can't back down, Justine. Remember, you are a strong girl. You can handle these changes.

My head whipped back and forth as I frantically disagreed with Sarah.

I can't do this.

It's too much.

Too much.

Way too-

Sarah: Stop it, J! You're going to give yourself an anxiety attack. You need to calm down.

Me: Sarah, you don't understand. This is too much pressure on my shoulders. I can't rule a world of werewolves.

Sarah: Yes you can. I have faith in you. And so does Christopher's wolf. Chris may not know that he's a soon-to-be Moon God, but his wolf sure does. And he needs you to calm the hell down and talk to our mate. Got it?

I nodded unconsciously as I replayed her words over and over in my head. Chris's wolf, Jordan, knows.

I took a deep breath as I came back to earth, blinking at a freaked out Christopher. "...Justine! Oh baby, you scared me! Are you alright?"

A sigh escaped my lips and I blinked long and hard. "She kissed you?" I asked, barely whispering.

Chris visibly flinched as he gulped loudly, taking my hands in his once more. "Yes. She did, J, but it wasn't in my control. I swear."

I swallowed down any pride that may have been present and asked a question that I was afraid of getting the answer to. "Did you like it?"

His eyebrows furrowed together. "What do you mean?"

My voice wavered as I spoke. "Was she better than me?"

Christopher's eyes widened and he took a deep breath before he answered the dreaded question. "Justine, I-" He was cut off as a piercing scream rang outside.

We both gave each other looks before we hopped up from the couch and dashed out of the sitting room.

Everyone seemed to have heard it being that we all gathered by the front door. Alpha John was hesitant in reaching for the door knob. We were all scared. Scared to find out who was behind that scream and how the scream came about.

Another sharp scream came, followed by a thump. In a flash, John swung open the door and stepped outside. His head moved around cautiously as he surveyed the area before zooming in on the driveway.

I couldn't see anything because the rest of us were inside of the house. John's shoulders visibly sagged, his confidence gone and was replaced by sadness and sympathy.

With me being the last, we all waded out of the house and stood on the enormous porch, assessing the damage.

There was a note on the ground and everyone seemed to have stepped over it. With a groan, I picked up the note and read over it.

Dear my beloved Justine,

You running away will never solve anything. My hatred for you is thicker than life itself. You're nothing. You never will be anything and neither will Christopher. Congratulations, by the way, on finding your mate.

Let's see if he'll last as long as your mother did.

I'm going to keep this note short and sweet. You took something that I love away from me.

Now, I am going to take something you love away from you.

Love always,


I slowly looked up from the note and the verge of tears and as soon as my eyes took in the two lifeless figures on the ground, my hand latched itself onto my mouth as I let out a painful wail.

They were pack members. But none from this pack.

The first body was Christopher's shopkeeper friend. I knew Chris is going to be just devastated. The first body was Elise.

And the second. The second is just as worse. Maybe even more worse. I've spent my whole life with her and now she's gone. She's gone.

The second person, lying there as lifeless as can be, was my best friend in the whole werewolf population.


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