Chapter 8

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When we got back in the car, I turn my head and look at Christopher. "What was that about? What will happen if I stay longer than two days?" I ask, curiosity leaking into my voice.

He glanced out the window and brought up his hand to rub it down his face in an exasperated manner. He sighed. "I can't tell you that because you probably won't be here in two days." He finally says.

I frown. What did he mean by that? Did he just bring me here to throw me out tomorrow?

You're overthinking things, Justine. Sarah says to me through our wolf bond.

 Me: This doesn't sound suspicious to you? Like, at all?

Sarah: No. I think we can trust him.

Me: How do you know we can trust him?

Sarah: I don't. That's why I said 'I think'.

Me: I don't know, Sarah...

Sarah: Trust me, Justine. I sense good vibes.

Me: Alright but if I sense any funny business, then we're leaving, okay?

Sarah: Deal. Now stop staring at the steering wheel like that. You look constipated.

I didn't even know I was staring at the steering wheel. Hell, I didn't even know that Christopher started driving.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

He glances at me out of the corner of his eye. "To my place. I don't want you to sleep on the streets."

It's quiet for a while. "I'm sorry for yelling at you for bringing me here." I finally blurt out. "If I would have known about this place then I wouldn't've gone off like that. I should've know that something funny was going on when you said you were scared of your pack."

He sighs. "It's okay. You didn't know." He says. "But there are three rules that I want you- no need you to follow."


"Rule one. Don't go outside of the house. At all. Even though you're not part of the pack, you can still fall victim underneath all the perverts on the streets. You saw what can happen if your outside strolling on the streets. If you want to get some fresh air, go out into the backyard. It's a lot safer that the front yard." He explains.  

I nod my head. "What if someone knocks on the door?" I ask.

"That is the second rule. Do not answer the door for anyone. I don't care if it is the Alpha. Don't answer it because if it is a guy, probably looking for my mom, then they can and will go after you because it is legal here in this pack. If anyone knocks on the door, quietly go upstairs to my room, which I will show you, and hide under the bed. Got it?" He's silent after he says this. As if he was expecting something.

"What's rule number three?" I ask him.

A little grin took over his face. "Don't eat up all my Oreo's." He says.

I laugh. "That is a promise that I am not willing to make, my friend. If you think my obsession with honey buns is bad, you should see me with a pack of Oreo's." I say.

He chuckles. "How do you eat your Oreo's?" He asks.

"I stuff the whole thing in my mouth." I gave him a 'duh' look.

He makes a face. "No. You're supposed to open it and lick the frosting off in the middle and then eat the cookie part." He says.

"You're not human." I tell him, shaking my head. "Oreo's weren't made to be eaten like that."

That's pretty much how our conversation went until Christopher pulled up at a small comfy 2 story house. I got out of the car, looking up at it in awe.

Christopher got out as well and we both walked to front door. He pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. We went inside and everything was nice. Mahogany doors, polished floorboards, etcetera.

The staircase was on the right and he started walking towards them, leaving me no choice but to follow him. We walked up the steps and there were four doors. Two on each side.

He pointed to the far one on the right. "That's my mom's room. Don't go in there." He says then pointed to the one across from it. "That's my room." He pointed to a door that was next to us on the right. "Bathroom." Finally, he pointed to the one across from it. "Guest room. You sleep in there."

He opened the guest room door and we both walked in. A queen sized bed sat in the middle with a white comforter and white pillows. Two bedside tables sat on each side of the bed, both silver and with little white lamps.

A closet was located to the right of the room and a large plasma T.V took over the left side of the room.

I took off my shoes and walked over to the bed, my feet sinking into the white plush carpet. I sat on the corner of the bed and watched as Christopher leaned against the door. "I hope you like it." He says.

I nod my head and look around the room again. "I do. Thank you." I said in return.

"I'll go get your things out of the car. I have somewhere to go so if you need me, there's a house phone downstairs in the kitchen. I don't have time to give you a tour so just explore." He says. I nod and he walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I sigh and lay back on the duvet and closed my eyes, thinking about this nice house and what goes on outside of these walls.


Sorry it's short. It's just a filler. Didn't wanna leave y'all hanging so here you guys go.

-The Queen.

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